[Debian-med-packaging] nut-nutrition in Debian

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Sat Jun 7 21:52:43 UTC 2014

On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 05:37:03PM +0100, Iain R. Learmonth wrote:
> > This does not need to be specified since it is fetched from the
> > repository automatically.
> The reason I specified it was that this has moved from collab-maint to
> debian-med so I thought I'd specify it just in case anyone went looking at
> the old repository for the new version.

This would not help since the information in UDD overrides the data
inside the tasks file which is in most cases reasonable.

> > Regarding the package itself:  I'd recommend converting debian/rules to
> > short dh.  Then you can also drop explicite quilt Build-Dependency.
> Ok. I will look into doing this.

Kind regards



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