[Debian-med-packaging] Mixture of packaging workflows (Re: [med-svn] [bedtools] branch master updated (4122ba1 -> 86c9cf2))

Charles Plessy charles-listes-med-packaging at plessy.org
Fri Jun 6 22:27:26 UTC 2014

Le Fri, Jun 06, 2014 at 08:22:24PM +0000, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
> tille pushed a change to branch master
> in repository bedtools.
>       from  4122ba1   Setting Release-Version v2.20.1
>       adds  a0d28a5   Imported Upstream version 2.20.1
>        new  86c9cf2   Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.debian.org/git/debian-med/bedtools

Hi Andreas,

thanks for the update of bedtools.

In this source package, I now update the master branch by pulling directly from
the upstream repository on GitHub.  This workflow simplifies a lot the
interactions with Upstream, by the use of pull requests.

Unfortunately, this workflow does not go well with the use of git-import-orig,
which just makes a single commit and therefore breaks the symmetry between
Upstream's and Debian's master branches…

I wonder if you would mind if I would cancel the changes that you pushed and
replace them by the equivalent actions following the workflow explained above. 

This workflow that I follow in bedtools, fastx-toolkit and a couple of other
packages works well and is compatible with the commandes git-pull and
git-buildpackage, including the use of the pristine-tar option.  Floods of
emails representing upstream commits are now prevented by setting the option to

How can we avoid that both the “import-orig” and the “pull from Upstream”
workflows are mixed ?  I did not find a way to configure debian/gbp.conf to
make git-import-orig fail.  Do you think that it would be useful to move
repositories in a separate directory on Alioth, for instance
“upstream-pulled” ?

Have a nice week-end,


Charles Plessy
Debian Med packaging team,
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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