[Debian-med-packaging] nut-nutrition in Debian

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Sun Jun 8 06:32:50 UTC 2014

Hi Iain,

On Sat, Jun 07, 2014 at 11:06:37PM +0100, Iain R. Learmonth wrote:
> Ah, I was reading (wrongly) the popcon statistics from:
>   http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=nut-nutrition
> Now that I've had a look, and properly understood what that graph is, I see
> it's not as widely used as I thought (likely due to it being an old
> version).

> I had a couple of people that were going to do some testing, but as
> uploading to unstable is likely not going to cause any large problems, can
> you go ahead and upload to unstable?

Done.  The only change was that I made sure to get a canonical Vcs-Git
by simply firing up `cme fix dpkg-control`.
> I will direct the people I had in mind to grab the package from there
> instead.

Please also tell them to enable submitting popcon results on their
system.  For instance python-fitbit is not used by any popcon user.

Thanks for your work on this



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