[Debian-med-packaging] Unit tests of R BatchJobs

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Thu Jun 26 20:20:44 UTC 2014


the Debian Med team intends to package BatchJobs for Debian.  Since we
try to provide means for testing packages in so called autopkgtest I
was running

  LC_ALL=C R --no-save < run-all.R

and noticed that when doing this as normal user it results in

1. Error: batchExpandGrid ------------------------------------------------------
Could not create dir: unittests-files/unittestee2f8ba97c/registry
1: makeTestRegistry() at test_batchExpandGrid.R:4
2: makeRegistry(id = "unittests", seed = 1, packages = packages, file.dir = rd, work.dir = "unittests-files",
       ...) at /usr/lib/R/site-library/BatchJobs/tests/helpers.R:39
3: makeRegistryInternal(id, file.dir, sharding, work.dir, multiple.result.files, seed,
       packages, src.dirs, src.files)
4: checkDir(file.dir, create = TRUE, check.empty = TRUE, check.posix = TRUE, msg = TRUE)
5: stop("Could not create dir: ", path)

2. Error: batchMap -------------------------------------------------------------
Could not create dir: unittests-files/unittestee26666541a/registry
1: makeTestRegistry() at test_batchMap.R:4
2: makeRegistry(id = "unittests", seed = 1, packages = packages, file.dir = rd, work.dir = "unittests-files",
       ...) at /usr/lib/R/site-library/BatchJobs/tests/helpers.R:39
3: makeRegistryInternal(id, file.dir, sharding, work.dir, multiple.result.files, seed,
       packages, src.dirs, src.files)
4: checkDir(file.dir, create = TRUE, check.empty = TRUE, check.posix = TRUE, msg = TRUE)

since normal users can not write to /usr/lib/R/site-library/.

I tried as root which seems to work without error but I get

> test_package("BatchJobs")
batchExpandGrid : Warning in sqliteInitDriver(max.con, fetch.default.rec, force.reload, shared.cache) :
  RS-DBI driver warning: (SQLite mismatch between compiled version 3.8.5 and runtime version
Warning in sqliteInitDriver(max.con, fetch.default.rec, force.reload, shared.cache) :
  RS-DBI driver warning: (SQLite mismatch between compiled version 3.8.5 and runtime version
Warning in sqliteInitDriver(max.con, fetch.default.rec, force.reload, shared.cache) :
  RS-DBI driver warning: (SQLite mismatch between compiled version 3.8.5 and runtime version
.Warning in sqliteInitDriver(max.con, fetch.default.rec, force.reload, shared.cache) :
  RS-DBI driver warning: (SQLite mismatch between compiled version 3.8.5 and runtime version

Do you see any chance to let the test also work as normal user by
writing to a temporary directory and also stop the warning about the
SQLite version?

Kind regards and thanks for providing BatchJobs as free software



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