[Debian-med-packaging] [relion] branch master created (now d446b4a)

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Mon Oct 13 22:21:44 UTC 2014

Hi Roland,

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 11:02:00PM +0200, rf at q-leap.de wrote:
> >>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Tille <andreas at an3as.eu> writes:
> Hi Andreas,
> I just pushed my latest set of commits. Packages do build now with (at
> least) the following issues left:

What is also left is

   git import-orig --pristine-tar <orig_tarball>

as described in policy.  The repository is lacking the typical branches
upstream and pristine-tar (or you missed pushing these).  So I just
answer your items without having done a test build.

> - usr/share/doc is still missing

You mean upstream docs are not yet installed, right?

> - Missing manpages (lintian warnings ...). Is this release critical?

Not critical but would be nice.  Sometimes help2man is your friend.

> - d/copyright created with /usr/lib/cdbs/licensecheck2dep5 has a number
>   of FIXMEs. What to do about them?

I usually fill in

Upstream-Name: FIXME
Upstream-Contact: FIXME
Source: FIXME

> - The build process in rules/override_dh_auto_build is not particularly
>   nice. It works, but I will eventually split the separate builds more
>   appropriately. Don't know, whether I will get around to do this before
>   the freeze. But I don't think, it should be a show-stopper. The
>   separate builds are necessary to avoid pulling in unneeded
>   dependencies by dh_shlibdeps for the different bin packages.

If you need to different configure steps its probably needed to do such
tricks.  I have no better idea either.

> - No testing done yet ... Will do asap and will tag for release then.


> - Contact upstream (see below)
> - If you want, you can try a test build with debuild.

See above - pristine-tar would really help.
>     Andreas> Hi Roland, On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 04:10:37PM +0200,
>     Andreas> rf at q-leap.de wrote:
>     >> >>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Tille <andreas at an3as.eu> writes:
>     >>
>     Andreas> Hi again, please git pull.  I added citation information,
>     Andreas> fixed d/rules permission and did `cme fix dpkg-control`.
>     Andreas> If you don't like the latter (which I personally doubt)
>     Andreas> please at least respect 80 character line limit for
>     Andreas> description.
>     >>
>     >> OK, thanks. Upstream download site requires registration. Any
>     >> ideas how to handle this in the watch file?
>     Andreas> No, I have not ... except for contacting upstream which we
>     Andreas> should do anyway since in some way we are "undermining"
>     Andreas> their registration process if we distribute the package on
>     Andreas> Debian.  It might be convincing to upstream that we are
>     Andreas> mentioning their publication (starting from next cron job
>     Andreas> tomorrow).
> I will contact upstream asap, asking what to do about the download
> page and suggesting to create a usable git repo. I've also subscribed to
> their mailing list to stay on top of things.

Sounds good.
>     >> http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/groups/scheres/download_relion.html
>     >> If you have a quick solution, you can just add the file to the
>     >> repo.
>     Andreas> You might convince upstream to find a better layout on
>     Andreas> Github and do some prober release tagging which would
>     Andreas> enable us to drain the source from here
>     Andreas>    https://github.com/jjcorreao/relion
> This seems to be an unofficial repo (not supported by the MRC LMB
> group). The README says "Run RELION at [NERSC] (NERSC is a US National
> Lab)", so it seems to have nothing to do with upstream.

Ahh, OK.

Kind regards



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