[Debian-med-packaging] Processed (with 2 errors): found 578757 in 0.99.9-dmo7, found 736015 in 0.3-3.1, tagging 787611, notfixed 594536 in 3.2.6-1 ...
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at bugs.debian.org
Fri Jun 5 12:09:47 UTC 2015
Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:
> found 578757 0.99.9-dmo7
Bug #578757 [xine-ui] xine-ui: checksum problems with /var/lib/xine/xine.desktop
There is no source info for the package 'xine-ui' at version '0.99.9-dmo7' with architecture ''
Unable to make a source version for version '0.99.9-dmo7'
Marked as found in versions 0.99.9-dmo7.
> found 736015 0.3-3.1
Bug #736015 [src:iulib] please build-depend on libtiff-dev, not libtiff4-dev
Marked as found in versions iulib/0.3-3.1.
> tags 787611 + pending
Bug #787611 [systemd-cron] systemd-cron: cronjob exits with error after package removal
Ignoring request to alter tags of bug #787611 to the same tags previously set
> # unconfuse bts (found+fixed in the same version)
> notfixed 594536 3.2.6-1
Bug #594536 {Done: Daniel Stender <debian at danielstender.com>} [gamera-gui] gamera-gui: deleting class name not always works
No longer marked as fixed in versions 3.2.6-1.
> notfixed 769549 0.1.5-2
Bug #769549 {Done: Elena Grandi <valhalla-d at trueelena.org>} [2048-qt] 2048-qt: Segfaults when combining two tiles
No longer marked as fixed in versions 2048-qt/0.1.5-2.
> notfixed 784852 1.5.0-2
Bug #784852 {Done: Ondřej Surý <ondrej at debian.org>} [bird] bird: Use debconf for router id
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1.5.0-2.
> reassign 786379 ruby-fog-local
Bug #786379 {Done: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>} [ruby-fog,ruby-fog-local] ruby-fog-local and ruby-fog: error when trying to install together
Bug reassigned from package 'ruby-fog,ruby-fog-local' to 'ruby-fog-local'.
No longer marked as found in versions ruby-fog/1.28.0-3.
No longer marked as fixed in versions ruby-fog-local/0.2.1-2.
> fixed 786379 0.2.1-2
Bug #786379 {Done: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>} [ruby-fog-local] ruby-fog-local and ruby-fog: error when trying to install together
Marked as fixed in versions ruby-fog-local/0.2.1-2.
> affects 786379 ruby-fog
Bug #786379 {Done: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>} [ruby-fog-local] ruby-fog-local and ruby-fog: error when trying to install together
Added indication that 786379 affects ruby-fog
> found 786379 0.2.1-1
Bug #786379 {Done: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>} [ruby-fog-local] ruby-fog-local and ruby-fog: error when trying to install together
Marked as found in versions ruby-fog-local/0.2.1-1.
> reassign 785041 libsoldout-utils
Bug #785041 {Done: Massimo Manghi <mxmanghi at apache.org>} [libsoldout-utils,discount] discount and libsoldout-utils: error when trying to install together
Bug reassigned from package 'libsoldout-utils,discount' to 'libsoldout-utils'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #785041 to the same values previously set
No longer marked as fixed in versions libsoldout/1.3-4.
> fixed 785041 1.3-4
Bug #785041 {Done: Massimo Manghi <mxmanghi at apache.org>} [libsoldout-utils] discount and libsoldout-utils: error when trying to install together
Marked as fixed in versions libsoldout/1.3-4.
> found 785041 1.3-3
Bug #785041 {Done: Massimo Manghi <mxmanghi at apache.org>} [libsoldout-utils] discount and libsoldout-utils: error when trying to install together
Marked as found in versions libsoldout/1.3-3.
> affects 785041 + discount
Bug #785041 {Done: Massimo Manghi <mxmanghi at apache.org>} [libsoldout-utils] discount and libsoldout-utils: error when trying to install together
Added indication that 785041 affects discount
> reassign 785040 libsoldout1-dev
Bug #785040 {Done: Massimo Manghi <mxmanghi at apache.org>} [libmarkdown2-dev,libsoldout1-dev] libsoldout1-dev and libmarkdown2-dev: error when trying to install together
Bug reassigned from package 'libmarkdown2-dev,libsoldout1-dev' to 'libsoldout1-dev'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #785040 to the same values previously set
No longer marked as fixed in versions libsoldout/1.3-4.
> fixed 785040 1.3-4
Bug #785040 {Done: Massimo Manghi <mxmanghi at apache.org>} [libsoldout1-dev] libsoldout1-dev and libmarkdown2-dev: error when trying to install together
Marked as fixed in versions libsoldout/1.3-4.
> found 785040 1.3-3
Bug #785040 {Done: Massimo Manghi <mxmanghi at apache.org>} [libsoldout1-dev] libsoldout1-dev and libmarkdown2-dev: error when trying to install together
Marked as found in versions libsoldout/1.3-3.
> affects 785040 + libmarkdown2-dev
Bug #785040 {Done: Massimo Manghi <mxmanghi at apache.org>} [libsoldout1-dev] libsoldout1-dev and libmarkdown2-dev: error when trying to install together
Added indication that 785040 affects libmarkdown2-dev
> fixed 784258 2.14+dfsg-2
Failed to add fixed on 784258: Not altering archived bugs; see unarchive.
> fixed 784258 2.6.0+dfsg-2
Failed to add fixed on 784258: Not altering archived bugs; see unarchive.
> reassign 768388 cs
Bug #768388 {Done: Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>} [csound,cs] csound,cs: error when trying to install together
Bug reassigned from package 'csound,cs' to 'cs'.
No longer marked as found in versions python-cs/0.5.7-1, 1:6.03.2~dfsg-1, and csound/1:6.05~dfsg1-1.
No longer marked as fixed in versions python-cs/0.6.6-1.
> fixed 768388 0.6.6-1
Bug #768388 {Done: Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>} [cs] csound,cs: error when trying to install together
Marked as fixed in versions python-cs/0.6.6-1.
> found 768388 0.5.7-1
Bug #768388 {Done: Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>} [cs] csound,cs: error when trying to install together
Marked as found in versions python-cs/0.5.7-1.
> affects 768388 + csound
Bug #768388 {Done: Vincent Bernat <bernat at debian.org>} [cs] csound,cs: error when trying to install together
Added indication that 768388 affects csound
> reassign 730515 python-cogent
Bug #730515 {Done: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>} [src:cd-hit,src:python-cogent] cd-hit-est is cdhit-est in Debian [Why?]
Bug reassigned from package 'src:cd-hit,src:python-cogent' to 'python-cogent'.
No longer marked as found in versions cd-hit/4.6.1-2012-08-27-2 and python-cogent/1.5.3-2.
No longer marked as fixed in versions python-cogent/1.5.3-3.
> fixed 730515 1.5.3-3
Bug #730515 {Done: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>} [python-cogent] cd-hit-est is cdhit-est in Debian [Why?]
Marked as fixed in versions python-cogent/1.5.3-3.
> found 730515 1.5.3-2
Bug #730515 {Done: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>} [python-cogent] cd-hit-est is cdhit-est in Debian [Why?]
Marked as found in versions python-cogent/1.5.3-2.
> affects 730515 + cd-hit
Bug #730515 {Done: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>} [python-cogent] cd-hit-est is cdhit-est in Debian [Why?]
Added indication that 730515 affects cd-hit
> reassign 632776 gem2deb
Bug #632776 {Done: Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at debian.org>} [ruby-shoulda-context,gem2deb] ruby-shoulda-context,gem2deb: Circular build-dependency
Bug reassigned from package 'ruby-shoulda-context,gem2deb' to 'gem2deb'.
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #632776 to the same values previously set
No longer marked as fixed in versions gem2deb/0.16.
> affects 632776 + ruby-shoulda-context
Bug #632776 {Done: Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at debian.org>} [gem2deb] ruby-shoulda-context,gem2deb: Circular build-dependency
Added indication that 632776 affects ruby-shoulda-context
> fixed 632776 0.16
Bug #632776 {Done: Lucas Nussbaum <lucas at debian.org>} [gem2deb] ruby-shoulda-context,gem2deb: Circular build-dependency
Marked as fixed in versions gem2deb/0.16.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
578757: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=578757
594536: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=594536
632776: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=632776
730515: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=730515
736015: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=736015
768388: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=768388
769549: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=769549
784852: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=784852
785040: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=785040
785041: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=785041
786379: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=786379
787611: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=787611
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact owner at bugs.debian.org with problems
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