[Debian-med-packaging] Providing Maven input files for picard-tools (Was: Hopefully final problems with maven rules)
Andreas Tille
andreas at an3as.eu
Thu Nov 26 10:56:38 UTC 2015
Hi Vincent,
I upgraded picard-tools in Git to the latest upstream version. It seems
we need to wait until libhtsjdk-java has passed new before we can
proceed here. Could you meanwhile have a look at the
debian/pom-picard.xml file I fetched from Central Maven Repository. I'm
afraid that some split into different pom.xml for the single binary
packages might be needed but at least I tried my best to give it a kick
start. It would be great to feed all our Debian Med packages with Maven
support to simplify things when new packages using Maven as build system
come up.
Kind regards
[1] http://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|picard
On Thu, Nov 26, 2015 at 09:18:40AM +0100, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> Le 26/11/2015 08:53, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> > BTW, is there any chance to provide a maven control file for libsam-java
> > (and others). IMHO, it would be better to fix those things at the source
> > rather than in all packages using it.
> I agree this is an even better solution. You just have to:
> - import the pom.xml files for samtools and picard in the
> src:picard-tools package from Maven central (as debian/pom-samtools.xml
> and debian/pom-picard.xml for example)
> - add a build dependency on maven-repo-helper
> - call mh_installjar and mh_installpom in debian/rules (this will
> replace the override_dh_link target, the debian/libsam-java.install file
> and the line installing the jar in debian/picard-tools.install)
> Emmanuel Bourg
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