[Debian-med-packaging] Asking help for the picard-tools package

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Tue Sep 8 07:55:00 UTC 2015

On Tue, Sep 08, 2015 at 09:39:24AM +0200, Vincent Danjean wrote:
> vdanjean at atsina:~$ mv picard-tools picard-tools+1
> vdanjean at atsina:~$ cd picard-tools+1/
> vdanjean at atsina:~/picard-tools+1$ CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/htsjdk.jar:/usr/share/java/guava.jar:dist/picard.jar java picard.cmdline.PicardCommandLine FilterVcf -h
> WARNING	2015-09-08 07:36:07	ClassFinder	could not read entriesjava.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/vdanjean/picard-tools 1/dist/picard.jar (No such file or directory)
> USAGE: PicardCommandLine <program name> [-h]
> Available Programs:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 'FilterVcf' is not a valid command. See PicardCommandLine --help for more information.
> vdanjean at atsina:~/picard-tools+1$
>   :-(
>   I will try to contact upstream.

I can not comment on this but I also once had to deal with some test
suite that failed when running in a differently named directory. :-(

Hope upstream will be able to fix this what I'd definitely call a
bug in the unit tests.

Kind regards



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