[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#846557: Please use free version of phylip in ugene

Denis Kandrov dkandrov at unipro.ru
Thu Dec 15 11:48:29 UTC 2016

Hello, Andreas.

Thanks for information.

We've created an issue[1] in our bug-tracking system about updating 
phylip source code. And it will be fixed in the current working sprint.

Also I have a task[2] to become a Debian maintainer, but unfortunately 
now it is not in the current working sprint. May I ask you if I'll have 
any questions about this?

[1] https://local.ugene.unipro.ru/tracker/browse/UGENE-5478
[2] https://local.ugene.unipro.ru/tracker/browse/UGENE-5432

Best regards,
Denis Kandrov
Unipro UGENE and Apache OpenMeetings commiter
http://ugene.net - open-source cross-platform bioinformatics software
http://openmeetings.apache.org - open-source audio/video conferencing

On 12/13/2016 08:06 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,
> I intend to package the latest version of Ugene for Debian.  Since I'm
> always verifying whether the license of all third party components would
> permit distribution in main (=official) Debian since it is currently
> only in non-free and thus not part of the official Debian distribution.
> It would help if you could just provide the version 3.696 of phylip[1]
> which has no real code changes but basically switched to BSD-2-clause
> license.  This would bring us one step nearer to provide a free Ugene
> inside Debian.
> Well, and BTW, it would help even more if you would try to stop
> including code copies of several other projects - but we discussed this
> before. :-)
> Kind regards
>       Andreas.
> [1] http://evolution.gs.washington.edu/phylip/download/

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