[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#813438: How to specify a generic architecture to GCC (Was: SSE3 issue with iqtree when trying to enable i386)

Christian Seiler christian at iwakd.de
Tue Jun 28 18:09:15 UTC 2016

On 06/28/2016 11:01 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I admit I can not answer the question asked by upstream.  The package in
> question is iqtree[1] and they said that they have different
> computational kernels implemented to respect different hardware.
> Current Git[1] does not even build - may be due to some fine tuning of
> gcc options needed???

I've looked at this, and there are a couple of things going on here:

0. Debian's build flags by default assume a generic architecture, so
you don't have to do anything by yourself.

1. Upstream's build system supports multiple options for the entirety
of the code. So you can compile the entire code with the AVX or FMA
instruction set. You patch that out completely from the CMakeLists.txt
in sse.patch, but that isn't actually required. (IQTREE_FLAGS would
have to be explicitly set to enable this.)

2. Furthermore, upstream's build system provides SSE and AVX kernels
for regardless of the build flags of the rest of the code, and they are
always compiled. (Well, you can disable compilation of the AVX kernel
if you add "novx" to IQTREE_FLAGS, but there's no reason to.) This
should work out of the box.

That said, the code doesn't support non-SSE at all, because it hard-
codes at least SSE2 intrinsics in a lot of platces (and the one part
where it hardcodes SSE3, you already have a patch for). The code can
therefore not be compiled without SSE support enabled, unfortunately,
even on i386. If you want to support non-SSE at all on i386, upstream
(or yourself) needs to implement the routines in the vectorclass/
directory (and possibly others) for non-SSE systems. (The kernel that
optionally uses AVX also exists in a non-SSE variant, so upstream is
not completely wrong about that, but there's a lot of _other_ code that
forces at least SSE2.

3. pll/ has a bug that it calls posix_memalign with PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT.
However, according to the manpage, the alignment must be a multiple of
sizeof(void *) for posix_memalign to work (and a power of 2), but
PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT is 1 if SSE3 is not used. If you explicitly set it
to 8 (to catch both 32bit and 64bit), posix_memalign will not fail and
the program won't segfault anymore. (posix_memalign with wrong align
argument will just return without a possibility to check for an error,
but also not allocating a buffer, leaving it empty.)

Note though that if you don't compile with sse3 flags enabled, pll will
not use SSE code at all (other than that which the compiler generates),
which is probably slower. But it does work, though. (A grep for __SSE3
shows though that porting this would be a LOT of work.)

Irrespective of the SSE-stuff, two things:

1. Your debian/rules calls dh_auto_clean/configure/build in
   override_dh_auto_build to build two variants. This can be done in a
   more elegant way, because CMake does support out of tree builds, and
   you can have debhelper use a specific build directory by specifying
   -Bdirname to dh_auto_*.

2. You might want to add --parallel to your dh call in debian/rules.
   CMake-based projects tend to support paralle builds, and iqtest is
   no exception to that rule. Would speed up build times quite a bit.

3. If you want to test the -omp binary as you do in debian/rules
   currently, you have to pass -redo, otherwise the second call will
   simply fail.

I've update your sse.patch to include the SSE-related fixes, and have
updated debian/rules to incorporate the two other things. Attached both
to this email. The package now builds on amd64 and i386 (and probably
will build on the kfreebsd and hurd variants thereof, though I haven't
checked) and the test suite runs. The AVX/FMA checks in CMakeLists.txt
are now not removed, because debian/rules never sets IQTEST_FLAGS to
fma or avx. (On amd64 the avx kernel is built with -mavx regardless
separately by the build system, so that's also OK; and on my Haswell
system the AVX detection works. On i386 the AVX kernel is never built,
as per what the upstream build system decided.) However, even on i386,
SSE2 support is required for this to work, otherwise the program will
crash with either illegal instruction or a segfault at start. (I can
provide you with a preinst script that checks for SSE2 support to show
a nice error message at package installation time, if you so wish.)

Additionally (what I've NOT done): please check the lintian info and
pedantic messages of the package:

 - out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.7
 - a couple of spelling-error-in-binary
 - hardening-no-pie/hardening-no-bindnow: consider enabling all
   hardening flags (if that works, haven't checked)
 - copyright-refers-to-symlink-license: you should refer to
   /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 and not .../GPL in the GPL-3
   block of debian/copyright

Hope that helps.

-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/make -f


pkg := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Source: //p')
version=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -ldebian/changelog | grep Version: | cut -f2 -d' ' | cut -f1 -d- )

	dh $@ --parallel

VARIANTS = omp serial

override_dh_auto_configure: $(foreach variant,$(VARIANTS),dh_auto_configure_$(variant))
override_dh_auto_build:     $(foreach variant,$(VARIANTS),dh_auto_build_$(variant))
override_dh_auto_install:   $(foreach variant,$(VARIANTS),dh_auto_install_$(variant))
override_dh_auto_clean:     $(foreach variant,$(VARIANTS),dh_auto_clean_$(variant))

	dh_auto_configure -Bbuild.omp -- -DIQTREE_FLAGS="omp"

	dh_auto_configure -Bbuild.serial -- -DIQTREE_FLAGS=""

	dh_auto_build -Bbuild.$(subst dh_auto_build_,,$@)

	dh_auto_install -Bbuild.$(subst dh_auto_install_,,$@)

	dh_auto_clean -Bbuild.$(subst dh_auto_clean_,,$@)

	# remove example files in unusual dir
	rm -f debian/*/usr/models.nex
	rm -f debian/*/usr/example.[np][eh][xy]

	mkdir -p $(mandir)
	help2man --no-info --no-discard-stderr --help-option="-h" \
	    --name='efficient phylogenetic software by maximum likelihood' \
	    --version-string="$(version)" $(CURDIR)/debian/$(pkg)/usr/bin/iqtree > $(mandir)/iqtree.1
	help2man --no-info --no-discard-stderr --help-option="-h" \
	    --name='efficient phylogenetic software by maximum likelihood (multiprocessor version)' \
	    --version-string="$(version)" $(CURDIR)/debian/$(pkg)/usr/bin/iqtree-omp > $(mandir)/iqtree-omp.1

	# use only the first example for build time test to save time on autobuilders
#	if [ "`find $(CURDIR) -name iqtree -type f -executable`" = "" ] ; then \
#		iqtreeomp=`find $(CURDIR) -name iqtree-omp -type f -executable` ; \
#		ln -s iqtree-omp `dirname $$iqtreeomp`/iqtree ; \
#	fi
	sed '/ myprefix/,$$d' debian/Documents_source/example.sh > example.short
	echo 'time $(CURDIR)/build.omp/iqtree-omp -s example.phy -omp 2	-redo' >> example.short
	time sh example.short
	rm example.short
-------------- next part --------------
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