[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#813438: How to specify a generic architecture to GCC (Was: SSE3 issue with iqtree when trying to enable i386)

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Jun 29 12:16:02 UTC 2016

Hi Tung,

thanks to the very helpful and detailed response of Christian Seiler
which I would like you to read below in detail since it explains the
patches applied in the Debian packaging I was able to build the latest
iqtree version.  You can find all patches that are applied to iqtree


Please also note that I have updated the spelling patch with some
spelling mistakes (in code and comments).

Kind regards and thanks for your cooperation


On Tue, Jun 28, 2016 at 08:09:15PM +0200, Christian Seiler wrote:
> On 06/28/2016 11:01 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > I admit I can not answer the question asked by upstream.  The package in
> > question is iqtree[1] and they said that they have different
> > computational kernels implemented to respect different hardware.
> > Current Git[1] does not even build - may be due to some fine tuning of
> > gcc options needed???
> I've looked at this, and there are a couple of things going on here:
> 0. Debian's build flags by default assume a generic architecture, so
> you don't have to do anything by yourself.
> 1. Upstream's build system supports multiple options for the entirety
> of the code. So you can compile the entire code with the AVX or FMA
> instruction set. You patch that out completely from the CMakeLists.txt
> in sse.patch, but that isn't actually required. (IQTREE_FLAGS would
> have to be explicitly set to enable this.)
> 2. Furthermore, upstream's build system provides SSE and AVX kernels
> for regardless of the build flags of the rest of the code, and they are
> always compiled. (Well, you can disable compilation of the AVX kernel
> if you add "novx" to IQTREE_FLAGS, but there's no reason to.) This
> should work out of the box.
> That said, the code doesn't support non-SSE at all, because it hard-
> codes at least SSE2 intrinsics in a lot of platces (and the one part
> where it hardcodes SSE3, you already have a patch for). The code can
> therefore not be compiled without SSE support enabled, unfortunately,
> even on i386. If you want to support non-SSE at all on i386, upstream
> (or yourself) needs to implement the routines in the vectorclass/
> directory (and possibly others) for non-SSE systems. (The kernel that
> optionally uses AVX also exists in a non-SSE variant, so upstream is
> not completely wrong about that, but there's a lot of _other_ code that
> forces at least SSE2.
> 3. pll/ has a bug that it calls posix_memalign with PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT.
> However, according to the manpage, the alignment must be a multiple of
> sizeof(void *) for posix_memalign to work (and a power of 2), but
> PLL_BYTE_ALIGNMENT is 1 if SSE3 is not used. If you explicitly set it
> to 8 (to catch both 32bit and 64bit), posix_memalign will not fail and
> the program won't segfault anymore. (posix_memalign with wrong align
> argument will just return without a possibility to check for an error,
> but also not allocating a buffer, leaving it empty.)
> Note though that if you don't compile with sse3 flags enabled, pll will
> not use SSE code at all (other than that which the compiler generates),
> which is probably slower. But it does work, though. (A grep for __SSE3
> shows though that porting this would be a LOT of work.)
> Irrespective of the SSE-stuff, two things:
> 1. Your debian/rules calls dh_auto_clean/configure/build in
>    override_dh_auto_build to build two variants. This can be done in a
>    more elegant way, because CMake does support out of tree builds, and
>    you can have debhelper use a specific build directory by specifying
>    -Bdirname to dh_auto_*.
> 2. You might want to add --parallel to your dh call in debian/rules.
>    CMake-based projects tend to support paralle builds, and iqtest is
>    no exception to that rule. Would speed up build times quite a bit.
> 3. If you want to test the -omp binary as you do in debian/rules
>    currently, you have to pass -redo, otherwise the second call will
>    simply fail.
> I've update your sse.patch to include the SSE-related fixes, and have
> updated debian/rules to incorporate the two other things. Attached both
> to this email. The package now builds on amd64 and i386 (and probably
> will build on the kfreebsd and hurd variants thereof, though I haven't
> checked) and the test suite runs. The AVX/FMA checks in CMakeLists.txt
> are now not removed, because debian/rules never sets IQTEST_FLAGS to
> fma or avx. (On amd64 the avx kernel is built with -mavx regardless
> separately by the build system, so that's also OK; and on my Haswell
> system the AVX detection works. On i386 the AVX kernel is never built,
> as per what the upstream build system decided.) However, even on i386,
> SSE2 support is required for this to work, otherwise the program will
> crash with either illegal instruction or a segfault at start. (I can
> provide you with a preinst script that checks for SSE2 support to show
> a nice error message at package installation time, if you so wish.)
> Additionally (what I've NOT done): please check the lintian info and
> pedantic messages of the package:
>  - out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.7
>  - a couple of spelling-error-in-binary
>  - hardening-no-pie/hardening-no-bindnow: consider enabling all
>    hardening flags (if that works, haven't checked)
>  - copyright-refers-to-symlink-license: you should refer to
>    /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 and not .../GPL in the GPL-3
>    block of debian/copyright
> Hope that helps.
> Regards,
> Christian

> #!/usr/bin/make -f
> # DH_VERBOSE := 1
> pkg := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Source: //p')
> version=$(shell dpkg-parsechangelog -ldebian/changelog | grep Version: | cut -f2 -d' ' | cut -f1 -d- )
> mandir=$(CURDIR)/debian/$(pkg)/usr/share/man/man1/
> %:
> 	dh $@ --parallel
> VARIANTS = omp serial
> override_dh_auto_configure: $(foreach variant,$(VARIANTS),dh_auto_configure_$(variant))
> override_dh_auto_build:     $(foreach variant,$(VARIANTS),dh_auto_build_$(variant))
> override_dh_auto_install:   $(foreach variant,$(VARIANTS),dh_auto_install_$(variant))
> override_dh_auto_clean:     $(foreach variant,$(VARIANTS),dh_auto_clean_$(variant))
> dh_auto_configure_omp:
> 	dh_auto_configure -Bbuild.omp -- -DIQTREE_FLAGS="omp"
> dh_auto_configure_serial:
> 	dh_auto_configure -Bbuild.serial -- -DIQTREE_FLAGS=""
> dh_auto_build_%:
> 	dh_auto_build -Bbuild.$(subst dh_auto_build_,,$@)
> dh_auto_install_%:
> 	dh_auto_install -Bbuild.$(subst dh_auto_install_,,$@)
> dh_auto_clean_%:
> 	dh_auto_clean -Bbuild.$(subst dh_auto_clean_,,$@)
> override_dh_installexamples:
> 	dh_installexamples
> 	# remove example files in unusual dir
> 	rm -f debian/*/usr/models.nex
> 	rm -f debian/*/usr/example.[np][eh][xy]
> override_dh_installman:
> 	mkdir -p $(mandir)
> 	help2man --no-info --no-discard-stderr --help-option="-h" \
> 	    --name='efficient phylogenetic software by maximum likelihood' \
> 	    --version-string="$(version)" $(CURDIR)/debian/$(pkg)/usr/bin/iqtree > $(mandir)/iqtree.1
> 	help2man --no-info --no-discard-stderr --help-option="-h" \
> 	    --name='efficient phylogenetic software by maximum likelihood (multiprocessor version)' \
> 	    --version-string="$(version)" $(CURDIR)/debian/$(pkg)/usr/bin/iqtree-omp > $(mandir)/iqtree-omp.1
> override_dh_auto_test:
> 	# use only the first example for build time test to save time on autobuilders
> #	if [ "`find $(CURDIR) -name iqtree -type f -executable`" = "" ] ; then \
> #		iqtreeomp=`find $(CURDIR) -name iqtree-omp -type f -executable` ; \
> #		ln -s iqtree-omp `dirname $$iqtreeomp`/iqtree ; \
> #	fi
> 	sed '/ myprefix/,$$d' debian/Documents_source/example.sh > example.short
> 	echo 'time $(CURDIR)/build.omp/iqtree-omp -s example.phy -omp 2	-redo' >> example.short
> 	time sh example.short
> 	rm example.short

> Description: Do not use -m32 and -msse3 flags
> Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/813436
> Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
> Last-Update: Tue, 02 Feb 2016 08:41:45 +0100
> --- a/CMakeLists.txt
> +++ b/CMakeLists.txt
> @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
> -##################################################################
> +	##################################################################
>  # IQ-TREE cmake build definition
>  # Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Bui Quang Minh, Lam Tung Nguyen
>  ##################################################################
> @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4 OR IQTREE
>  	endif()
>  	if (GCC OR CLANG) 
>    	endif()
>      add_definitions(-DBINARY32)
>  else()
> @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ SET(SSE_FLAGS "")
>  if (VCC)
>  	set(SSE_FLAGS "/arch:SSE2 -D__SSE3__")
>  elseif (GCC OR CLANG)
> -	set(SSE_FLAGS "-msse3")
> +	set(SSE_FLAGS "-msse2")
>  elseif (ICC)
>  	if (WIN32)
>  		set(SSE_FLAGS "/arch:SSE3")
> @@ -273,8 +273,7 @@ elseif (IQTREE_FLAGS MATCHES "avx") # AV
>  else() #SSE intruction set
> -	message("Vectorization : SSE3")
> -	add_definitions(-D__SSE3)
> +	message("Vectorization : SSE2")
>  endif()
> --- a/phylokernel.h
> +++ b/phylokernel.h
> @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
>  inline Vec2d horizontal_add(Vec2d x[2]) {
>  #if  INSTRSET >= 3  // SSE3
>      return _mm_hadd_pd(x[0],x[1]);
> +#elif   INSTRSET >= 2  // SSE3
> +    Vec2d help0 = _mm_shuffle_pd(x[0], x[1], _MM_SHUFFLE2(0,0));
> +    Vec2d help1 = _mm_shuffle_pd(x[0], x[1], _MM_SHUFFLE2(1,1));
> +    return _mm_add_pd(help0, help1);
>  #else
>  #error "You must compile with SSE3 enabled!"
>  #endif
> --- a/pll/pll.h
> +++ b/pll/pll.h
> @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ extern "C" {
>  #define PLL_VECTOR_WIDTH 2
>  #else
>  #define PLL_VECTOR_WIDTH 1
>  #endif


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