[Debian-med-packaging] Need help with upgrading R package which verifies that the dir it builds in matches its name (r-bioc-tracklayer)

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue May 10 12:13:57 UTC 2016

On 10 May 2016 at 10:02, Andreas Tille wrote:
| Hmmm, its no problem to kick out the relevant test (I managed on my
| local disk successfully).  But are you *really* sure that editing
| autogenerated files that are actually not supposed to be edited manually
| but under control of autoconf is the best solution for the problem?

Of course editing configure.ac and re-creating configure is better.
| I never ever had the need to edit a configure file and if there was ever

I had to once or twice in the 20+ years here when the autoconf toolchain had
issues, which can happen.

| any need to fix a broken one using dh-autoreconf was the working
| solution.  Moreover I noticed that after *removing* configure the option
| -DUSE_SSL was used while when I just skipped the test inside the
| configure file it was *not* included which seems like the configure file
| is broken in several ways.  So it sounds reasonable to me to stick to my
| initial strategy and to assume that the configure file was delivered by
| accident and thus removing it.

I can't comment on the specifics here but in general that is A Bad Idea.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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