[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#908065: r-cran-adegraphics: autopkgtest regression: dependency versions not properly specified

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Thu Sep 6 21:31:34 BST 2018


On 06-09-18 22:09, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I've added a todo item


>> On the other hand, I don't care enough that
>> I want you to fix this all right now (you can close this bug if you
>> want), but I think this bug exposed a bug in the auto-generation of r
>> dependencies in general. I suspect you as r maintainers do want to fix that.
> You are right that somebody should fix this.  I admit I have quite some
> RC bugs on my todo list and will leave this for somebody else / some
> later point in time.


> BTW, do you have any idea why that bug is filed against Debian Med
> packaging list[1] while the maintainer of the package is
> r-pkg-team at alioth-lists.debian.net?



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