[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#929506: gbrowse FTBFS: tests fail

Carnë Draug carandraug+dev at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 16:53:31 BST 2019

On Tue, 9 Jul 2019 at 10:33, Andreas Tille <andreas at fam-tille.de> wrote:
> Hi Carnė,
> I have not checked but I could imagine that this issue is somehow
> connected to the the new upstream version of bioperl.  Since you
> intended to to restructure the bioperl packages I think this is a good
> point in time.  Since you are way more involved in bioperl than I I'd be
> more than happy if you do this fully according to your own opinion.
> Please let me know if you need any help.
> [...]
> This is also observed by reproducible builds using pbuilder:
> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/rbuild/unstable/amd64/gbrowse_2.56+dfsg-4.rbuild.log.gz

I have checked the output from that link and it's getting a lot of
"Can't locate Bio/DB/SeqFeature/Store.pm in @INC (you may need to
install the Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store module)" and another for

These module used to be part of the BioPerl distribution but has been
moved out to their own distribution, both of which have already been

Their distributions are:

  Bio-DB-SeqFeature [1,2]
  Bio-DB-GFF [3,4]

[1] https://github.com/bioperl/Bio-DB-SeqFeature/
[2] https://metacpan.org/release/Bio-DB-SeqFeature
[3] https://github.com/bioperl/Bio-DB-GFF/
[4] https://metacpan.org/release/Bio-DB-GFF

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