[Debian-med-packaging] nifti2dicom now in Debian Med team

Daniele E. Domenichelli ddomenichelli at drdanz.it
Thu Aug 27 18:23:51 BST 2020

Hello Andreas,

thanks a lot for letting me join the team and for your work on the package.


On 27/08/2020 08:04, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Daniele,
> in one of our last video meetings you joined and mentioned that you are
> maintaining nifti2dicom.  I'm currently in the process of taking over
> packages "with issues" from NeuroDebian team into Debian Med team
> maintenance since there are effectively more eyes watching on the
> packages here.  The "issue" in nifti2dicom was that Vcs URLs were
> pointing to Alioth.  So I took the freedom to move the package, refresh
> it via `routine-update -f` to latest packaging standards and did a team
> upload.  I've also added you to the Debian Med team to enable you
> continuing the maintenance.
> Welcome in our team and thanks for joining the meeting
>      Andreas.

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