[Debian-med-packaging] Last step NanoPlot

Étienne Mollier etienne.mollier at mailoo.org
Fri May 1 15:12:36 BST 2020

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Tille, on 2020-05-01 15:38:17 +0200:
> Ahhh, hmmmm, it would be cool to have electron - but I have the feeling
> this will exceed our manpower.  May be it makes sense to watch the
> progress and step in once electron packaging is finished?

That's an understatement.  I see "Fix blocked by" fields in the
header of #842420.  Would filing an RFP of plotly-orca, and
stating it is blocked by  #842420, trigger some sort of
automatic watcher for when electron will be available at last ?

Kind Regards,
Étienne Mollier <etienne.mollier at mailoo.org>
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