[Debian-med-packaging] mcl 22-282

Andreas Tille andreas at fam-tille.de
Tue Dec 6 06:47:00 GMT 2022

Hi Stijn,

Am Mon, Dec 05, 2022 at 11:05:49PM +0000 schrieb Stijn van Dongen:
> Out of idle curiosity I googled for mcl-22-282, and found that the removal
> of mcxdeblast caused a regression in roary (
> https://groups.google.com/g/linux.debian.bugs.dist/c/bcsW4JcAfCw)
> My apologies for this. If I'd known this would happen I would not have
> removed it.
> Would it be tremendously useful if I reversed this change in a subsequent
> release, or would it imply just more work?

I admit if it would be contained upstream and thus we have the good
feeling that it is supposed to work with latest mcl this would be
helpful.  There is no need to hurry, thought, since we solved the
issue with a copy of the old version.

> In general, feel free to get in touch if that's useful of course, I'm happy
> to receive feedback and suggestions.

I admit we have way more severe problems with loosing the OCaml patch
we included in version 14.  This has three reverse depends we lost
now and since we have nobody with knowledge in OCaml we have no idea
how to solve this.

> Many thanks for supporting mcl in Debian, I appreciate it very much.

You are welcome


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