[Debian-pan-maintainers] Unifying jupyterlab and node-jupyterlab

Emmanuel FARHI emmanuel.farhi at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Thu May 30 10:18:38 BST 2024

Hi Xavier and Roland,

It seems there were a few changes since the 4.0.11.

More specifically, the 4.1.0 and .4.1.1 bring python 3.12 support. So 
this is probably better suited in order to cope with next Debian stable. 
However, It would also be good, if possible, to also test and accept 
python 3.11 so that we can, on our side, backport it locally for 
Bookworm at Synchrotron SOLEIL.

So, perhaps it would be best to start with at least 4.1.1 (brings fixes) 
so that the gap wrt what you have already accomplished is not too large.

Cheers, Emmanuel.

Le 30/05/2024 à 05:36, Yadd a écrit :
> On 5/29/24 17:06, Yadd wrote:
>> On 5/29/24 17:04, Roland Mas wrote:
>>> Hi Yadd and others,
>>> I'd like to go forward with the jupyterlab/node-jupyterlab merger, 
>>> because I'm facing more and more problems with jupyterlab/ipywidgets 
>>> not being up-to-date. I'm going to start from node-jupyterlab (whose 
>>> build is more complex), create a 
>>> merge-jupyterlab-and-node-jupyterlab branch in it, and add the 
>>> Python parts in there, starting from the current working state of 
>>> the package (and not the current state of the master branch, which 
>>> doesn't build since I tried to import a new upstream release). I'll 
>>> ask for review before merging into master, but any help or advice in 
>>> the meantime will be welcome. I'll try to be present on IRC more 
>>> often than usual during the operation.
>>> Hopefully upgrading one source package will be easier after the 
>>> merger, and I'll work on ipywidgets after that.
>>> Roland.
>> hi,
>> OK, let's do that ;-)
> From which version of jupyterlab do you want to start? 4.0.11 or later?
/ ___|__/\_| |   | ____|_ _| |      FARHI Emmanuel
\___ \\ | |   |  _|  | || |      Div Exp/Data Reduction and Analysis Team
  ___) /_  _| |___| |___ | || |___   Tel : +33 (1) 69 35 96 04 
|____/  \/ |_____|_____|___|_____|  Saint-Aubin BP 48 - 91192 GIF/YVETTE 
SYNCHROTRON http://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr
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