[Debian-pan-maintainers] Unifying jupyterlab and node-jupyterlab

Emmanuel FARHI emmanuel.farhi at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Fri May 31 14:41:37 BST 2024

Thanks, that makes sense.


Le 31/05/2024 à 15:10, Roland Mas a écrit :
> Since I haven't managed to get 4.1 to build yet, I'm thinking of 
> starting from a known-working version (4.0.10+ds1+~cs11.25.27-1). I 
> expect that porting to 4.1 or later afterwards won't add extra work 
> compared to doing both jobs at once.
> Roland.
> Le 30/05/2024 à 05:36, Yadd a écrit :
>> On 5/29/24 17:06, Yadd wrote:
>>> On 5/29/24 17:04, Roland Mas wrote:
>>>> Hi Yadd and others,
>>>> I'd like to go forward with the jupyterlab/node-jupyterlab merger, 
>>>> because I'm facing more and more problems with 
>>>> jupyterlab/ipywidgets not being up-to-date. I'm going to start from 
>>>> node-jupyterlab (whose build is more complex), create a 
>>>> merge-jupyterlab-and-node-jupyterlab branch in it, and add the 
>>>> Python parts in there, starting from the current working state of 
>>>> the package (and not the current state of the master branch, which 
>>>> doesn't build since I tried to import a new upstream release). I'll 
>>>> ask for review before merging into master, but any help or advice 
>>>> in the meantime will be welcome. I'll try to be present on IRC more 
>>>> often than usual during the operation.
>>>> Hopefully upgrading one source package will be easier after the 
>>>> merger, and I'll work on ipywidgets after that.
>>>> Roland.
>>> hi,
>>> OK, let's do that ;-)
>> From which version of jupyterlab do you want to start? 4.0.11 or later?
/ ___|__/\_| |   | ____|_ _| |      FARHI Emmanuel
\___ \\ | |   |  _|  | || |      Div Exp/Data Reduction and Analysis Team
  ___) /_  _| |___| |___ | || |___   Tel : +33 (1) 69 35 96 04 
|____/  \/ |_____|_____|___|_____|  Saint-Aubin BP 48 - 91192 GIF/YVETTE 
SYNCHROTRON http://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr
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