[Debian-pan-maintainers] ufo-core 0.9.0

PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel frederic-emmanuel.picca at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Mon Jan 4 09:41:03 GMT 2016

> Hello Fred,

Hello Sergi,

Sorry for this late reply, I was on holidays and I reach the maximum size of my email box.
Which mean, impossibility so send an email...

> I'm back on the task of the ufo-core and I've seen that the version 0.8
> is not the latest any more, now we have the 0.9. I think this time I
> know a bit better what I have to do and what the things does.

> First thing I did is to compile in the machine where I like to prepare
> the repository sources for packaging, the original sources from ufo-core
> in github. With this I've realize that, some dependencies for
> compilation wasn't installed on my machine. Once fixed that, the process
> continues much better.

> Even that it stalls in a step "[ 75%] Running gtkdoc-scangobj". At least
> I'm in the same situation with the original sources and the packaging
> process.

> I've tried to search for this situation that it's not an error that can
> be traced but a long wait that doesn't looks normal.

> The procedure I'm applying is:
> $ git clone
> git+ssh://serguei-guest@git.debian.org/git/debian-pan/packages/ufo-core.git;
> cd ufo-core/
> $ uscan --download --verbose
> $ git checkout -t origin/upstream
> $ git checkout master
> $ git-import-orig --pristine-tar ../ufo-core-0.9.0.tar.gz

you can simplify this with

$ gbp clone git+ssh://serguei-guest@git.debian.org/git/debian-pan/packages/ufo-core.git
$ cd ufo-core
$ git checkout -t origin/upstream
$ git checkout master
$ gbp import-orig --pristine-tar --uscan

> Then I edit debian/rules to remove the --enable-gtk-doc argument to
> avoid later compilation error (because this flag is placed in the cmake
> call instead of the ./configure). And continue:

Yes it is ok to switch from autotools to cmake, because the upstream author is using cmake.

> $ dch -v 0.9.0-1 "Move up the upstream release to 0.9.0" && debcommit -a

you can replace this by

gbp dch

> $ gbp buildpackage


> Does anything rings the bell? I'm happy that it only needs a few steps.
> Last try I was doing too many blind modifications that, in fact, they
> were disturbing and breaking more than solving.

Yes once the initial package is done, the process is not that complicate.

Did you commit something to the repository ?



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