[Debian-pan-maintainers] Package: Debian PaN: McCode: licencing

FARHI Emmanuel emmanuel.farhi at synchrotron-soleil.fr
Thu Nov 18 15:59:04 GMT 2021

Hi Roland, 

thanks for your comments about licencing in McCode. I'm writing through the pan-maintainers mailing list so that we keep track of our thoughts, as well as to theMcCode Danish team leaders. 

You raise a licencing issue regarding nxs and ncrystal. 

As a start, The choice of a GPL2 for McCode is mainly historical, but it also related to how McCode works. McCode (McStas + McXtrace) converts a text file into a valid C code, which is then compiled and executed for a beam-line simulation. The generated C file (flex+bison) can be considered as a derived work that some users have used as input for other projetcs. Then, the whole discission boils down into how to consider that generated C code, as part of a derived work, in terms of licence. Is a GPL2 -> GPL3 move viable in this respect ? If yes, then, as discussed today by phone, McCode could move to GPL3, or other suggestion. 

ncrystal: the lib is Apache 2, which is incompatible with the GPL2 adopted by McCode, but would be with a GPL3. 

nxs: <https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/people/boin/nxs_en.html> <https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/people/boin/nxs_en.html> 
Its licence is a pure HZB one, which prevents commercial use. It is stated as *not* in the public domain. As a definitive solution, we could exclude libnxs and its only usage elsewhere, mcstas-comps/contrib/Sample_nxs.comp. There are a few data files as well in mcstas-comps/data/*.nxs Then, there is no issue with the static compilation (that could anyway in principle be dynamic). 

Cheers, Emmanuel. 

/ ___| __/\_ | | | ____|_ _| | FARHI Emmanuel 
\___ \ \ | | | _| | || | Div Exp/Data Reduction and Analysis Team 
___) /_ _ | |___| |___ | || |___ Tel : +33 (1) 69 35 96 04 
|____/ \/ |_____|_____|___|_____| Saint-Aubin BP 48 - 91192 GIF/YVETTE CEDEX 
SYNCHROTRON http://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr 
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