problem with cctbx

Radostan Riedel raybuntu at
Mon Aug 6 17:35:38 UTC 2012

On Mon, 06. Aug 15:44, Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel wrote:
> Yes I know at least one institut ;) which built most of its control
> system with static libraries.
> Let's wait for a bug report asking for the static libraries.
We can just follow the Debian policy[1]. As I understand it it's acceptable
to provide *.a files in dev packages but it's not necessary and I found Fred's
arguments rational so I wouldn't like to provide them in the package.
I also wrote a patch for cctbx to automatically generate pkgconfig files for all
libraries so I don't see a reason to link statically right now. If we manage to get
our changes into upstream they might start taking care of the versioning and any
ABI or API stability problems will hopefully be over.


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