Desire to maintain package brlcad

Tom Browder tom.browder at
Fri Apr 12 15:50:37 UTC 2013

On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 6:55 AM, Anton Gladky <gladk at> wrote:
> On 04/07/2013 01:06 PM, Tom Browder wrote:
>> Note that the BRL-CAD team is fully supportive of Debian and they have
>> agreed to have a debian tree in the source tree so I may just work
>> there until we have something ready for critique.  Will that be
>> satisfactory?
> That is very good, that upstream is ready to cooperate with Debian. It
> is always easier to work with a responsive upstream: apply patches
> directly in source code, colaborate on some license questions etc.
> But as Sylvestre has already said, please, keep debian-directory
> separately from upstream code. In most of cases we need to remove it and
> repack the tarball.

I have started my own public sand box for the brlcad packaging effort:

I am tracking the upstream HEAD while I work out all the correct
settings for the packaging.  I keep the brlcad-build debian directory
under VCS while keeping only some local utilities.

The upstream Debian contact and I are working closely but we do not
share the same debian directory for the sandbox.

Best regards,


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