Bug#718892: thansk for arduino-mk NMU

Scott Howard showard314 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 14:58:47 UTC 2013

Control: forwarded 718892 https://github.com/sudar/Arduino-Makefile/issues/115

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Bas Wijnen <shevek at fmf.nl> wrote:
> Yes, I heard that it wouldn't be needed anymore.  However, the library
> dependency bug is still half-present: it doesn't crash on it anymore,
> but it doesn't track .cc, .hh and .hpp files for libraries.

I forwarded it to:

If you ever want to do an upload or help co-maintain this, please do -
it's a team package so you could do a "Team Upload" (you don't need to
NMU). or add yourself to the unloaders, I appreciate the help.

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