Apertium language pairs

Tino Didriksen tino.didriksen at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 10:32:57 UTC 2014

Replied inline...

> -------- Original Message --------
> Data: 2014-12-27 22:19
> Remitent: Riley Baird <BM-2cVqnDuYbAU5do2DfJTrN7ZbAJ246S4Xix at bitmessage.ch
> >
> I've noticed that Debian has individual packages for each of the
> apertium language pairs. However, many of the language pairs have not
> yet been packaged for Debian.

All released pairs have been packaged for Debian Experimental, and are
making their way through the various pipes. The pairs in Stable are so old
they're not really usable.

> Would it make more sense to have something
> like an "apertium-data" package that contains all of the language pairs
> from upstream? It seems like it would be easier to maintain, and would
> ensure that all of the languages are present.

That would be considerably harder to maintain from my point of view. Right
now, Apertium has an automated nightly build service (
http://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/ ) with all usable single language
packages and all language pairs. I use the same scripts that power that
service to make the stable Debian packages.

In either case, for any new pair release, the work would be the same:
Update changelog, run the update script, git-import-dsc, git push, notify

But for the end user, a single apertium-data would mean they'd have to
download many times more data than they actually want. What we could do is
make a metapackage apertium-data that depends on all languages and pairs.
That'd accomplish the same, but be more manageable...I'll put that on ToDo.

If you want newer Apertium packages, either wait for the Debian process, or
use our nightly service.

-- Tino Didriksen
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