Apertium language pairs

Riley Baird BM-2cVqnDuYbAU5do2DfJTrN7ZbAJ246S4Xix at bitmessage.ch
Sun Dec 28 22:18:21 UTC 2014

On 28/12/14 21:32, Tino Didriksen wrote:
> Replied inline...
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Data: 2014-12-27 22:19
>> Remitent: Riley Baird <BM-2cVqnDuYbAU5do2DfJTrN7ZbAJ246S4Xix at bitmessage.ch
>> I've noticed that Debian has individual packages for each of the
>> apertium language pairs. However, many of the language pairs have not
>> yet been packaged for Debian.
> All released pairs have been packaged for Debian Experimental, and are
> making their way through the various pipes. The pairs in Stable are so old
> they're not really usable.

Ah, okay. I should have realised that. :)

>> Would it make more sense to have something
>> like an "apertium-data" package that contains all of the language pairs
>> from upstream? It seems like it would be easier to maintain, and would
>> ensure that all of the languages are present.
> That would be considerably harder to maintain from my point of view. Right
> now, Apertium has an automated nightly build service (
> http://apertium.projectjj.com/apt/ ) with all usable single language
> packages and all language pairs. I use the same scripts that power that
> service to make the stable Debian packages.
> In either case, for any new pair release, the work would be the same:
> Update changelog, run the update script, git-import-dsc, git push, notify
> uploader.
> But for the end user, a single apertium-data would mean they'd have to
> download many times more data than they actually want. What we could do is
> make a metapackage apertium-data that depends on all languages and pairs.
> That'd accomplish the same, but be more manageable...I'll put that on ToDo.
> If you want newer Apertium packages, either wait for the Debian process, or
> use our nightly service.

I wasn't aware of the aperitum nightly repository. I'm adding it to my
/etc/apt/sources.list now!

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