Bug#766685: libpcl-dev: arch-dependent file in "Multi-Arch: same" package

Jakub Wilk jwilk at debian.org
Fri Oct 24 21:11:25 UTC 2014

Package: libpcl-dev
Version: 1.7.2-1
Severity: important
User: multiarch-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
Usertags: multiarch

libpcl-dev is marked as "Multi-Arch: same", but the following file is 


An example diff between i386 and amd64 is attached.

The file is in /usr/share/, so I suspect this is an FHS violation. If 
this is the case, the serverity should be bumped to serious.

Jakub Wilk
-------------- next part --------------
diff -ur libpcl-dev_1.7.2-1_i386/usr/share/pcl-1.7/PCLConfig.cmake libpcl-dev_1.7.2-1_amd64/usr/share/pcl-1.7/PCLConfig.cmake
--- libpcl-dev_1.7.2-1_i386/usr/share/pcl-1.7/PCLConfig.cmake	2014-10-24 14:22:39.000000000 +0200
+++ libpcl-dev_1.7.2-1_amd64/usr/share/pcl-1.7/PCLConfig.cmake	2014-10-22 04:17:07.000000000 +0200
@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@
 # upper cased xxx from : 
 # - common
-# - octree
-# - io
 # - kdtree
-# - geometry
+# - octree
 # - search
-# - visualization
 # - sample_consensus
 # - filters
-# - tracking
 # - features
+# - io
+# - geometry
+# - visualization
 # - segmentation
-# - surface
+# - people
 # - registration
 # - recognition
+# - tracking
 # - keypoints
-# - people
 # - outofcore
+# - surface
 # - apps
+# - in_hand_scanner
 # - point_cloud_editor
 # - modeler
-# - in_hand_scanner
 # PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS is filled with PCL and available 3rdparty headers
 # PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS is filled with PCL components libraries install directory and
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
   # Found a PCL installation
   # pcl_message("Found a PCL installation")
-  set(PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS "${PCL_ROOT}/lib/i386-linux-gnu")
+  set(PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS "${PCL_ROOT}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu")
   if(EXISTS "${PCL_ROOT}/3rdParty")
   endif(EXISTS "${PCL_ROOT}/3rdParty")
@@ -578,8 +578,8 @@
   # Found PCLConfig.cmake in a build tree of PCL
   # pcl_message("PCL found into a build tree.")
   set(PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS "${PCL_DIR}/include") # for pcl_config.h
-  set(PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS "${PCL_DIR}/lib/i386-linux-gnu")
-  set(PCL_SOURCES_TREE "/build/pcl-q564mh/pcl-1.7.2")
+  set(PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS "${PCL_DIR}/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu")
+  set(PCL_SOURCES_TREE "/tmp/buildd/pcl-1.7.2")
 else(EXISTS "${PCL_ROOT}/include/pcl-${PCL_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PCL_VERSION_MINOR}/pcl/pcl_config.h")
   pcl_report_not_found("PCL can not be found on this machine")  
 endif(EXISTS "${PCL_ROOT}/include/pcl-${PCL_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PCL_VERSION_MINOR}/pcl/pcl_config.h")
@@ -588,27 +588,27 @@
-set(pcl_all_components  common octree io kdtree geometry search visualization sample_consensus filters tracking features segmentation surface registration recognition keypoints people outofcore apps point_cloud_editor modeler in_hand_scanner )
+set(pcl_all_components  common kdtree octree search sample_consensus filters features io geometry visualization segmentation people registration recognition tracking keypoints outofcore surface apps in_hand_scanner point_cloud_editor modeler )
 list(LENGTH pcl_all_components PCL_NB_COMPONENTS)
 #list each component dependencies IN PCL
-set(pcl_octree_int_dep common )
-set(pcl_io_int_dep common octree )
 set(pcl_kdtree_int_dep common )
-set(pcl_geometry_int_dep common )
+set(pcl_octree_int_dep common )
 set(pcl_search_int_dep common kdtree octree )
-set(pcl_visualization_int_dep common io kdtree geometry search )
 set(pcl_sample_consensus_int_dep common search )
 set(pcl_filters_int_dep common sample_consensus search kdtree octree )
-set(pcl_tracking_int_dep common search kdtree filters octree )
 set(pcl_features_int_dep common search kdtree octree filters )
+set(pcl_io_int_dep common octree )
+set(pcl_geometry_int_dep common )
+set(pcl_visualization_int_dep common io kdtree geometry search )
 set(pcl_segmentation_int_dep common geometry search sample_consensus kdtree octree features filters )
-set(pcl_surface_int_dep common search kdtree octree )
+set(pcl_people_int_dep common kdtree search features sample_consensus filters io visualization geometry segmentation octree )
 set(pcl_registration_int_dep common octree kdtree search sample_consensus features filters )
 set(pcl_recognition_int_dep common io search kdtree octree features filters registration sample_consensus )
+set(pcl_tracking_int_dep common search kdtree filters octree )
 set(pcl_keypoints_int_dep common search kdtree octree features filters )
-set(pcl_people_int_dep common kdtree search features sample_consensus filters io visualization geometry segmentation octree )
 set(pcl_outofcore_int_dep common io filters octree visualization )
+set(pcl_surface_int_dep common search kdtree octree )
 set(pcl_apps_int_dep common geometry io filters sample_consensus segmentation visualization kdtree features surface octree registration keypoints tracking search recognition )

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