Bug#798164: vtk: do not ship in stretch

Kai-Martin Knaak kmk at familieknaak.de
Sun Apr 24 22:48:37 UTC 2016

On Sun, 6 Sep 2015 13:05:07 +0200 Julien Cristau <jcristau at debian.org>
> The mix of vtk 5.x and vtk 6.x in the archive was bad enough in jessie,
> we shouldn't ship that again for stretch.

However, there is a reason to keep both: vtk6 is qt5 based only. This
leaves applications which are still on qt4 in the dark. One such
application is the simulation tool. Elmer is unstable only right now.
But this is due to long standing license issues. These have finally been
resolved. It would be unfortunate if elmer would not make it to straetch
because of a missing vtk package.

Kai-Martin Knaak
kmk at lilalaser.de
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