polyml 5.5.2-4

James Clarke jrtc27 at jrtc27.com
Sun Jan 24 13:54:09 UTC 2016

Hi Gianfranco,

> 1) you took over the package maintenance, can I see a post where the current uploaders acked the change?

Please see the entirety of this thread in debian-science: https://lists.debian.org/debian-science/2016/01/msg00035.html

> 2) a patch against testsuite not mentioned in changelog
> 3) patches against mips* not mentioned in changelog.
> basically I would change changelog mentioning the patch name, e.g.
> new patches:
> foo.diff: add support for foo architecture
> and so on.
> the patches should be good :)

I have amended the changelog and re-uploaded to mentors; how is it now?

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