Sponsoring before freeze

Thomas Schiex thomas.schiex at inrae.fr
Tue Jan 19 22:02:07 GMT 2021

Dear Anton,

I pushed the new upstream version of toulbar2.

I'm now wondering what autopkgtest would be useful for. When you build
the package, the dh_auto_test target does launch our ctest target. So
the tests are run anyway for all builds. What does autopkgtest would
bring then?

Also, if someone has an example of a package that uses autopkgtest in a
cmake with ctest context in mind,  this could help.

Kind regards


Le 18/01/2021 à 22:24, Anton Gladky a écrit :
> Hi Thomas,
> uploaded! Thanks for your contribution.
> Please consider adding autopkgtest for the next upload. If you
> prepare them before freeze, please let me know and I will upload it.
> Regards
> Anton

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