Sponsoring before freeze
Anton Gladky
gladk at debian.org
Thu Jan 21 20:10:05 GMT 2021
Hi Thomas,
there is one of examples [1]. But as far as I see, this package is
not a library.
It is not necessary to build it in autopkgtest.
The sense of autopkgtest is to test the package functionality. So you can
for example run some tests to check, whether they are working. Cmake builds
are relevant for libs to be sure that they are providing proper headers and
shared objects.
[1] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/vtk9/-/tree/master/debian/tests
Am Di., 19. Jan. 2021 um 23:02 Uhr schrieb Thomas Schiex
<thomas.schiex at inrae.fr>:
> Dear Anton,
> I pushed the new upstream version of toulbar2.
> I'm now wondering what autopkgtest would be useful for. When you build
> the package, the dh_auto_test target does launch our ctest target. So
> the tests are run anyway for all builds. What does autopkgtest would
> bring then?
> Also, if someone has an example of a package that uses autopkgtest in a
> cmake with ctest context in mind, this could help.
> Kind regards
> Thomas
> Le 18/01/2021 à 22:24, Anton Gladky a écrit :
> > Hi Thomas,
> >
> > uploaded! Thanks for your contribution.
> >
> > Please consider adding autopkgtest for the next upload. If you
> > prepare them before freeze, please let me know and I will upload it.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Anton
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