Bug#1048363: tango: Fails to build source after successful build

Lucas Nussbaum lucas at debian.org
Sun Aug 13 20:21:29 BST 2023

Source: tango
Version: 9.4.2+dfsg1-1
Severity: minor
Tags: trixie sid ftbfs
User: lucas at debian.org
Usertags: ftbfs-sab-20230813 ftbfs-source-after-build
User: debian-qa at lists.debian.org
Usertags: qa-doublebuild


This package fails to build a source package after a successful build
(dpkg-buildpackage ; dpkg-buildpackage -S).

This is probably a clear violation of Debian Policy section 4.9 (clean target),
but this is filed as severity:minor for now, because a discussion on
debian-devel showed that we might want to revisit the requirement of a working
'clean' target.

More information about this class of issues, included common problems and
solutions, is available at

Relevant part of the build log:
> cd /<<PKGBUILDDIR>> && runuser -u user42 -- dpkg-buildpackage --sanitize-env -us -uc -rfakeroot -S
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> dpkg-buildpackage: info: source package tango
> dpkg-buildpackage: info: source version 9.4.2+dfsg1-1
> dpkg-buildpackage: info: source distribution unstable
> dpkg-buildpackage: info: source changed by Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago at freexian.com>
>  dpkg-source --before-build .
>  debian/rules clean
> dh clean --with sphinxdoc
>    dh_auto_clean
> 	rm -rf obj-x86_64-linux-gnu
>    dh_clean
> 	rm -f debian/debhelper-build-stamp
> 	rm -rf debian/.debhelper/
> 	rm -f debian/libtango-dev.debhelper.log debian/libtango-tools.debhelper.log debian/libtango9-4.debhelper.log debian/tango-accesscontrol.debhelper.log debian/tango-db.debhelper.log debian/tango-starter.debhelper.log debian/tango-test.debhelper.log
> 	rm -f -- debian/libtango9-4.substvars debian/libtango-dev.substvars debian/libtango-doc.substvars debian/libtango-tools.substvars debian/tango-common.substvars debian/tango-common.postrm.debhelper debian/tango-db.substvars debian/tango-db.postrm.debhelper debian/tango-starter.substvars debian/tango-starter.postrm.debhelper debian/tango-accesscontrol.substvars debian/tango-accesscontrol.postrm.debhelper debian/tango-test.substvars debian/files
> 	rm -fr -- debian/libtango9-4/ debian/tmp/ debian/libtango-dev/ debian/libtango-doc/ debian/libtango-tools/ debian/tango-common/ debian/tango-db/ debian/tango-starter/ debian/tango-accesscontrol/ debian/tango-test/
> 	find .  \( \( \
> 		\( -path .\*/.git -o -path .\*/.svn -o -path .\*/.bzr -o -path .\*/.hg -o -path .\*/CVS -o -path .\*/.pc -o -path .\*/_darcs \) -prune -o -type f -a \
> 	        \( -name '#*#' -o -name '.*~' -o -name '*~' -o -name DEADJOE \
> 		 -o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*.rej' -o -name '*.bak' \
> 		 -o -name '.*.orig' -o -name .*.rej -o -name '.SUMS' \
> 		 -o -name TAGS -o \( -path '*/.deps/*' -a -name '*.P' \) \
> 		\) -exec rm -f {} + \) -o \
> 		\( -type d -a -name autom4te.cache -prune -exec rm -rf {} + \) \)
>  dpkg-source -b .
> dpkg-source: info: using source format '3.0 (quilt)'
> dpkg-source: info: building tango using existing ./tango_9.4.2+dfsg1.orig.tar.xz
> dpkg-source: info: using patch list from debian/patches/series
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_downloads/7b01b2a3d74551e8ff453ae6034b2dc5/hdbcassandra-tango-workshop.pptx: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_downloads/7b01b2a3d74551e8ff453ae6034b2dc5/hdbcassandra-tango-workshop.pptx in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_downloads/d61100901b14baa16be2d62055289d74/hdb_-_high_availability_with_cassandra.pptx: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_downloads/d61100901b14baa16be2d62055289d74/hdb_-_high_availability_with_cassandra.pptx in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Astor-Starter.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Astor-Starter.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Astor.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Astor.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/ChangeBranch-2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/ChangeBranch-2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/ChangeBranch.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/ChangeBranch.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/DynamicAttr-3.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/DynamicAttr-3.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/DynamicAttr.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/DynamicAttr.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/ESRF.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/ESRF.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/HdbConfiguratorServer.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/HdbConfiguratorServer.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Multi-adding.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Multi-adding.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Multi-creation-1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Multi-creation-1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Multi-creation.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Multi-creation.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Multi-tree.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Multi-tree.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-first.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-first.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-generate-1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-generate-1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-generate.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-generate.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-inheritance-colors.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-inheritance-colors.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-inheritance.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-inheritance.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-packaging.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-packaging.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-preferences.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-preferences.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-protected.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-protected.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Pogo-site-preferences.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Pogo-site-preferences.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/PogoEmptyImage.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/PogoEmptyImage.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/PogoFileImage.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/PogoFileImage.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/PogoFilesGenerated.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/PogoFilesGenerated.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/PogoFilled.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/PogoFilled.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/PogoFirstConfiguration.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/PogoFirstConfiguration.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/PogoGenerate.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/PogoGenerate.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/PogoGenerateButton.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/PogoGenerateButton.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Ready.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Ready.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/ServerStatistics.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/ServerStatistics.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/TAC.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/TAC.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/TACcommands.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/TACcommands.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/TACusers.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/TACusers.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/TangoDeviceServerModel_image1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/TangoDeviceServerModel_image1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/TangoDeviceServerModel_image2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/TangoDeviceServerModel_image2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/ThreadsManagement.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/ThreadsManagement.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/Use-templates.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/Use-templates.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/actions.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/actions.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/add-tools.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/add-tools.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/add.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/add.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/add_new_host.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/add_new_host.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/alarm.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/alarm.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/alias_create.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/alias_create.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/amazonCloudTango.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/amazonCloudTango.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/archi.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/archi.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/array.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/array.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/astor-tangotest.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/astor-tangotest.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/atkpanel-annotated.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/atkpanel-annotated.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/atkpanel.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/atkpanel.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/blueball.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/blueball.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/bool-array.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/bool-array.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/bool-trend.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/bool-trend.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/collection_view.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/collection_view.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/command.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/command.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/commands.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/commands.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/complete_server.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/complete_server.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/configure1.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/configure1.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/configure2.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/configure2.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/configure_event.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/configure_event.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/connect.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/connect.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/cons.bmp: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/cons.bmp in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/control.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/control.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/core-widget.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/core-widget.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/cumbia.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/cumbia.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/databaseds-as-service-01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/databaseds-as-service-01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/databaseds-as-service-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/databaseds-as-service-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/desktop.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/desktop.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/dev_browser_1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/dev_browser_1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/dev_browser_3.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/dev_browser_3.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/device-server-01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/device-server-01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/device-server-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/device-server-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/device-server-03.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/device-server-03.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/device-server-04.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/device-server-04.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/device-server-05.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/device-server-05.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/device_et.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/device_et.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/diagnostic-attr.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/diagnostic-attr.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/diagnostic-command.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/diagnostic-command.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/diagnostic-device.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/diagnostic-device.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/diagnostic-polled-attr.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/diagnostic-polled-attr.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/e-giga.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/e-giga.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/e-giga1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/e-giga1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/edit_confirm.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/edit_confirm.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/edit_list.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/edit_list.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/edit_multiple.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/edit_multiple.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/edit_select.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/edit_select.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/edit_table.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/edit_table.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/edit_table_menu.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/edit_table_menu.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/error-history.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/error-history.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/event_schematic.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/event_schematic.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/event_schematic_zmq.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/event_schematic_zmq.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/event_tester.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/event_tester.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/features_overview.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/features_overview.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/filter_menu.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/filter_menu.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/filter_result.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/filter_result.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/filter_select.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/filter_select.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/greenbal.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/greenbal.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/hdbpp.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/hdbpp.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/help.bmp: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/help.bmp in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/host_window.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/host_window.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/host_window2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/host_window2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/html_pages.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/html_pages.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image1.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image1.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image10.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image10.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image10.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image10.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image100.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image100.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image101.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image101.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image1011.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image1011.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image102.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image102.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image103.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image103.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image104.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image104.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image105.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image105.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image11.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image11.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image11.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image11.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image110.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image110.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image111.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image111.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image112.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image112.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image12.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image12.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image12.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image12.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image121.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image121.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image122.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image122.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image13.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image13.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image13.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image13.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image131.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image131.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image132.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image132.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image14.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image14.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image14.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image14.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image141.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image141.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image142.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image142.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image15.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image15.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image15.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image15.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image151.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image151.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image152.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image152.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image16.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image16.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image16.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image16.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image161.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image161.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image162.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image162.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image17.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image17.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image17.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image17.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image171.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image171.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image172.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image172.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image18.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image18.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image18.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image18.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image181.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image181.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image19.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image19.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image19.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image19.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image191.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image191.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image2.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image2.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image20.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image20.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image20.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image20.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image201.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image201.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image21.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image21.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image21.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image21.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image211.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image211.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image212.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image212.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image22.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image22.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image22.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image22.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image221.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image221.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image23.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image23.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image23.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image23.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image231.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image231.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image24.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image24.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image24.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image24.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image241.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image241.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image25.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image25.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image25.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image25.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image251.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image251.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image26.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image26.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image26.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image26.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image261.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image261.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image27.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image27.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image27.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image27.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image271.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image271.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image28.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image28.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image28.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image28.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image281.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image281.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image29.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image29.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image29.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image29.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image291.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image291.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image3.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image3.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image30.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image30.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image30.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image30.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image301.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image301.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image31.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image31.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image31.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image31.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image310.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image310.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image311.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image311.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image32.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image32.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image32.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image32.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image321.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image321.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image33.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image33.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image33.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image33.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image331.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image331.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image34.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image34.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image34.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image34.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image341.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image341.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image35.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image35.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image35.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image35.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image36.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image36.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image36.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image36.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image37.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image37.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image37.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image37.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image371.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image371.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image38.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image38.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image39.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image39.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image391.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image391.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image4.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image4.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image40.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image40.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image41.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image41.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image411.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image411.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image42.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image42.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image421.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image421.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image43.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image43.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image44.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image44.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image45.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image45.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image451.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image451.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image46.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image46.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image47.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image47.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image48.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image48.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image49.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image49.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image5.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image5.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image50.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image50.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image51.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image51.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image510.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image510.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image52.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image52.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image53.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image53.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image54.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image54.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image55.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image55.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image56.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image56.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image57.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image57.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image58.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image58.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image59.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image59.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image6.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image6.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image6.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image6.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image61.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image61.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image62.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image62.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image63.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image63.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image64.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image64.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image65.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image65.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image66.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image66.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image67.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image67.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image68.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image68.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image69.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image69.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image7.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image7.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image7.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image7.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image70.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image70.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image71.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image71.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image72.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image72.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image73.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image73.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image74.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image74.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image75.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image75.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image76.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image76.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image77.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image77.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image78.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image78.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image79.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image79.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image8.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image8.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image8.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image8.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image80.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image80.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image81.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image81.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image810.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image810.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image82.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image82.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image83.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image83.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image84.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image84.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image85.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image85.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image86.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image86.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image87.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image87.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image88.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image88.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image89.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image89.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image9.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image9.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image9.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image9.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image90.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image90.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image91.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image91.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image910.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image910.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image911.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image911.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image92.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image92.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image93.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image93.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image94.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image94.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image95.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image95.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image96.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image96.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image97.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image97.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image98.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image98.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/image99.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/image99.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/imageCommand.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/imageCommand.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/imageCreateEditServeer.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/imageCreateEditServeer.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/imageCreateServer.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/imageCreateServer.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/imageExploreDevice.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/imageExploreDevice.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/imageFilesFolder.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/imageFilesFolder.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/imageGenerate.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/imageGenerate.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/imagePackaging.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/imagePackaging.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/imagePogo.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/imagePogo.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/import-2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/import-2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/import-21.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/import-21.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jive-dev1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jive-dev1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jive-tangotest.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jive-tangotest.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jive.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jive.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jive.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jive.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jive1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jive1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jive_simpl.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jive_simpl.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jive_sophis.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jive_sophis.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jlinac.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jlinac.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jlinac1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jlinac1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jupytango.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jupytango.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/jupytango1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/jupytango1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/key-pair.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/key-pair.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/libs.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/libs.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/listpanel.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/listpanel.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/log-level.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/log-level.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/logo_tangocontrols.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/logo_tangocontrols.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/logviewer-annotated.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/logviewer-annotated.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/main.bmp: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/main.bmp in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/main_window.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/main_window.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/main_window2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/main_window2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/main_window3.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/main_window3.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/mambo.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/mambo.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/mambo1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/mambo1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/modbus.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/modbus.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/modbus1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/modbus1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/multi_stop.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/multi_stop.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/mysql-user-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/mysql-user-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/orangebal.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/orangebal.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/panic.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/panic.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/pipe.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/pipe.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/pogo-dynattr.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/pogo-dynattr.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/polling_profiler.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/polling_profiler.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/polling_window.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/polling_window.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/pool_threads.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/pool_threads.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/preferences-menu.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/preferences-menu.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/preferences.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/preferences.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/prog_guide_exple1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/prog_guide_exple1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/prog_guide_exple2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/prog_guide_exple2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/prog_guide_exple3.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/prog_guide_exple3.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/prop_dev2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/prop_dev2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/property_create.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/property_create.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/property_delete.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/property_delete.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/property_history.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/property_history.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/property_history_dlg.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/property_history_dlg.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/property_rename.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/property_rename.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/pytango_logo.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/pytango_logo.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/r_attribute.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/r_attribute.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/r_pipe.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/r_pipe.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/raspberry_pi_200x200.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/raspberry_pi_200x200.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/rdp.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/rdp.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/redball.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/redball.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/rest-api.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/rest-api.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/rest-api1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/rest-api1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/sardana.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/sardana.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/sardana1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/sardana1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/server_addclass.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/server_addclass.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/server_adddevice.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/server_adddevice.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/server_dialog.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/server_dialog.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/server_menu.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/server_menu.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/server_move.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/server_move.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/server_rename.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/server_rename.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/server_rename_inst.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/server_rename_inst.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/start_event_manager.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/start_event_manager.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/start_new_server.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/start_new_server.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/start_server.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/start_server.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/starter-01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/starter-01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/starter-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/starter-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/starter-as-service-01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/starter-as-service-01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/starter-as-service-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/starter-as-service-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/startup.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/startup.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/startup_level.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/startup_level.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/startup_level.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/startup_level.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/tango-configuration-successful: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/tango-configuration-successful in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/tango-stack.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/tango-stack.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/tango_versions.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/tango_versions.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/taurus-trend-example.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/taurus-trend-example.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/taurus_showcase01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/taurus_showcase01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/test-admin.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/test-admin.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/test-attrs.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/test-attrs.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/test-commands.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/test-commands.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/test-dev1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/test-dev1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/test-pipe.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/test-pipe.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/test_device2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/test_device2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/testdevice_attr.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/testdevice_attr.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/testdevice_cmd.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/testdevice_cmd.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/trend.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/trend.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/w_attribute.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/w_attribute.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/w_pipe.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/w_pipe.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/webapp-2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/webapp-2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/webapp-21.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/webapp-21.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/whiteball.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/whiteball.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/wizard1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/wizard1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/wizard2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/wizard2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/wizard3.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/wizard3.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/wizard4.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/wizard4.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/wizard5.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/wizard5.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/wizard6.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/wizard6.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_images/wizard7.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_images/wizard7.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/administration/deployment/multiple-sql-dbs.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/administration/services/events.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/advanced/threading.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/advanced/transferring-images.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/advanced/user-loop.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/client-api/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/contributing/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/device-api/attribute-alarms.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/device-api/forwarded-attribute.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/device-api/generating-events.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/device-api/introduction.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/device-api/memorized-attribute.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/development/general-guidelines/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/getting-started/development/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/getting-started/development/python/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/installation/pytango-and-taurus-on-windows.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/overview/ecosystem.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/overview/history.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/reference/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/bindings/c-lang.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/bindings/labVIEW.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/bindings/overview.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/bindings/panorama.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/main_window.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/paper.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/polling_window.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/dynamic_attr.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/preferences.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/web/waltz.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-developers.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-fandango.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-import-classes-to-catalogue.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-java-server-with-astor.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-starter-daemon.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/scada_introduction.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-device-server_arduino-temperature-sensor.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/css/meta_label_tango.css has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/css/theme_overrides.css has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/documentation_options.js has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/file.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/file.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Bold.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.ttf in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Italic.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Regular.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/RobotoSlab-Bold.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/fonts/RobotoSlab-Regular.woff2: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/RobotoSlab-Regular.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_administration_map.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_administration_map1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_archiving_map.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_archiving_map1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_bindings_map.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_bindings_map1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_cpp_python_development.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_cpp_python_development1_1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_cpp_python_development1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_development.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_development1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_java_development.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_java_development1_1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_java_development1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_key.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_key1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_background.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_background.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_grey.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_grey.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_white.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_white.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/minus.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/minus.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/_static/plus.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/_static/plus.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/_static/pygments.css has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/deployment/high-availability.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/deployment/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/deployment/multiple-sql-dbs.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/deployment/property-file.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/deployment/starter.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/deployment/starting.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/deployment/versions-in-use.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/deployment/without-sql-db.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/maintenance/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/maintenance/tango-admin.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/access-control.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/events.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/hdbpp.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdb++-design-guidelines.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdb-legacy.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-cassandra.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-cm-interface.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-es-interface.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-mysql.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-timescaledb.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/administration/services/notifd2db.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/authors.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/contents.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/IDL.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/TangoDeviceServerModel.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/known-issues.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/reference.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/rest-api.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/threading.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/transferring-images.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/advanced/user-loop.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/client-api/atk-programmers-guide.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/client-api/cpp-client-programmers-guide.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/client-api/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/contributing/cpptango-contribution.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/contributing/documentation-guide.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/contributing/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/corba.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/cpp-api/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/debugging-and-testing/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/debugging-and-testing/testing-tango-using-docker.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/attribute-alarms.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/device-polling.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/device-server-model.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/device-server-writing.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/ds-guideline/device-server-guidelines.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/ds-guideline/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/enumerated-attribute.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/forwarded-attribute.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/generating-events.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/introduction.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/java/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/memorized-attribute.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/device-api/python/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/general-guidelines/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/general-guidelines/naming.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/development/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/genindex.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/administration/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/cpp/cpp-quick-start.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/cpp/first-client.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/cpp/first-device-class.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/cpp/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/java/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/java/jtango-client.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/java/jtango-server.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/python/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/development/python/pytango-server.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/end-user/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/first-steps.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/getting-started/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/index_for_administrators.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/index_for_developers.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/index_for_users.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/amazon-cloud.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/binary_package.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/lts.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/minimum-deployment.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/patches.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/pytango-and-taurus-on-windows.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/source.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/tango-on-linux.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/tango-on-raspberry-pi.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/tango-on-windows.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/virtualmachine.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/vm/tangobox-9.2.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/installation/vm/tangobox.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/html/objects.inv: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/html/objects.inv in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/overview/SimplifiedTangoDatamodel.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/overview/ecosystem.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/overview/history.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/overview/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/overview/introduction.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/overview/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/reference/bibliography.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/reference/glossary.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/reference/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/reference/map_key.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/search.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/searchindex.js has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/alarm/panic.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/HDB++.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/HDB.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/SNAP.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/bensikin.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/mambo.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/snap-installation.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/c-lang.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/igor-pro.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/labVIEW.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/matlab-and-octave.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/panorama.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/access_control.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/add_host.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/add_server.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/branch_management.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/config.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/event_tester.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/features_overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/host_window.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/introduction.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/main_window.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/multi_start_stop.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/new_server_wizard.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/paper.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/polling_window.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/statistics.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/tango_versions.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/atk.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/atk_java_doc.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atkpanel/atkpanel.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jdraw/jdraw.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/alias.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/collection.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/command.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/editing.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/filtering.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/property.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/servers.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/logviewer/logviewer.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/compatibility.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/description.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/dynamic_attr.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/generated_code.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/inheritance.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/multi_classes.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/packaging.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/preferences.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/startup.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/gui/qtango/qtango.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/gui/taurus/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/tools.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/web/canone.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tools-and-extensions/web/waltz.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-administrators.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-developers.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-compile-mniorb.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-create-inheritance-link.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-deal-string-tango-attribute-cpp.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-device-server-startup-time.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-distinguish-clients-on-the-server-side.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-dynamic-attributes-device-class.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-extract-scalar-attribute.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-fandango.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-first-device-class.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-import-classes-to-catalogue.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-java-server-with-astor.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-with-systemd.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-pytango.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-pytangoarchiving.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-run-device-server-firewall.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-run-device-servers-on-XP-with-IPv6.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-start-device-server.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-db-service.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-starter-daemon.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-use-tango-servers-without-db.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-tune-polling-code-tango-class.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-use-vectors-set-attributes.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials-for-administrators.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/documentation-workflow-tutorial.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/install-tango-webapp.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/scada_introduction.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/snapshots-from-lab-at-ESRF.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-course.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-device-server_arduino-temperature-sensor.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/training_C-plus-plus.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/training_Python.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/high-availability.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/high-availability.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/multiple-sql-dbs.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/multiple-sql-dbs.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/property-file.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/property-file.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/starter.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/starter.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/starting.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/starting.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/versions-in-use.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/versions-in-use.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/without-sql-db.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/deployment/without-sql-db.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/maintenance/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/maintenance/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/maintenance/tango-admin.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/maintenance/tango-admin.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/overview.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/overview.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/access-control.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/access-control.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/events.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/events.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdb++-design-guidelines.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdb++-design-guidelines.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdb-legacy.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdb-legacy.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-cassandra.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-cassandra.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-cm-interface.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-cm-interface.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-es-interface.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-es-interface.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-mysql.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-mysql.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-timescaledb.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-timescaledb.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/notifd2db.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/administration/services/notifd2db.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/authors.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/authors.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/contents.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/contents.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/IDL.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/IDL.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/TangoDeviceServerModel.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/TangoDeviceServerModel.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/known-issues.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/known-issues.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/reference.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/reference.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/rest-api.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/rest-api.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/threading.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/threading.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/transferring-images.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/transferring-images.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/user-loop.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/advanced/user-loop.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/client-api/atk-programmers-guide.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/client-api/atk-programmers-guide.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/client-api/cpp-client-programmers-guide.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/client-api/cpp-client-programmers-guide.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/client-api/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/client-api/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/contributing/cpptango-contribution.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/contributing/cpptango-contribution.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/contributing/documentation-guide.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/contributing/documentation-guide.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/contributing/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/contributing/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/corba.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/corba.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/cpp-api/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/cpp-api/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/debugging-and-testing/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/debugging-and-testing/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/debugging-and-testing/testing-tango-using-docker.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/debugging-and-testing/testing-tango-using-docker.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/attribute-alarms.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/attribute-alarms.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/device-polling.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/device-polling.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/device-server-model.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/device-server-model.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/device-server-writing.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/device-server-writing.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/ds-guideline/device-server-guidelines.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/ds-guideline/device-server-guidelines.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/ds-guideline/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/ds-guideline/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/enumerated-attribute.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/enumerated-attribute.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/forwarded-attribute.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/forwarded-attribute.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/generating-events.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/generating-events.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/introduction.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/introduction.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/java/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/java/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/memorized-attribute.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/memorized-attribute.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/python/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/device-api/python/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/general-guidelines/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/general-guidelines/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/general-guidelines/naming.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/general-guidelines/naming.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/development/overview.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/development/overview.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/environment.pickle: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/environment.pickle in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/administration/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/administration/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/cpp/cpp-quick-start.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/cpp/cpp-quick-start.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/cpp/first-client.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/cpp/first-client.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/cpp/first-device-class.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/cpp/first-device-class.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/cpp/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/cpp/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/java/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/java/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/java/jtango-client.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/java/jtango-client.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/java/jtango-server.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/java/jtango-server.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/python/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/python/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/python/pytango-server.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/development/python/pytango-server.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/end-user/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/end-user/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/first-steps.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/first-steps.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/getting-started/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/index_for_administrators.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/index_for_administrators.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/index_for_developers.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/index_for_developers.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/index_for_users.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/index_for_users.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/amazon-cloud.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/amazon-cloud.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/binary_package.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/binary_package.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/lts.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/lts.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/minimum-deployment.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/minimum-deployment.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/patches.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/patches.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/pytango-and-taurus-on-windows.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/pytango-and-taurus-on-windows.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/source.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/source.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/tango-on-linux.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/tango-on-linux.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/tango-on-raspberry-pi.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/tango-on-raspberry-pi.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/tango-on-windows.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/tango-on-windows.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/virtualmachine.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/virtualmachine.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/vm/tangobox-9.2.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/vm/tangobox-9.2.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/vm/tangobox.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/installation/vm/tangobox.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/SimplifiedTangoDatamodel.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/SimplifiedTangoDatamodel.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/ecosystem.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/ecosystem.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/history.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/history.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/introduction.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/introduction.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/overview.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/overview/overview.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/reference/bibliography.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/reference/bibliography.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/reference/glossary.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/reference/glossary.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/reference/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/reference/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/reference/map_key.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/reference/map_key.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/alarm/panic.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/alarm/panic.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/HDB++.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/HDB++.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/HDB.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/HDB.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/SNAP.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/SNAP.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/bensikin.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/bensikin.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/mambo.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/mambo.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/overview.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/overview.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/snap-installation.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/archiving/snap-installation.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/c-lang.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/c-lang.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/igor-pro.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/igor-pro.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/labVIEW.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/labVIEW.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/matlab-and-octave.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/matlab-and-octave.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/overview.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/overview.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/panorama.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/bindings/panorama.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/access_control.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/access_control.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/add_host.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/add_host.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/add_server.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/add_server.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/branch_management.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/branch_management.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/config.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/config.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/event_tester.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/event_tester.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/features_overview.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/features_overview.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/host_window.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/host_window.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/introduction.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/introduction.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/main_window.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/main_window.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/multi_start_stop.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/multi_start_stop.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/new_server_wizard.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/new_server_wizard.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/paper.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/paper.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/polling_window.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/polling_window.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/statistics.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/statistics.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/tango_versions.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/tango_versions.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/atk.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/atk.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/atk_java_doc.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/atk_java_doc.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atkpanel/atkpanel.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atkpanel/atkpanel.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jdraw/jdraw.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jdraw/jdraw.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/alias.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/alias.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/collection.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/collection.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/command.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/command.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/editing.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/editing.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/filtering.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/filtering.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/property.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/property.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/servers.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/servers.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/logviewer/logviewer.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/logviewer/logviewer.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/compatibility.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/compatibility.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/description.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/description.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/dynamic_attr.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/dynamic_attr.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/generated_code.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/generated_code.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/inheritance.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/inheritance.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/multi_classes.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/multi_classes.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/packaging.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/packaging.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/preferences.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/preferences.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/startup.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/startup.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/gui/qtango/qtango.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/gui/qtango/qtango.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/gui/taurus/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/gui/taurus/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/tools.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/tools.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/web/canone.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/web/canone.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/web/waltz.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tools-and-extensions/web/waltz.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-administrators.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-administrators.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-developers.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-developers.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-compile-mniorb.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-compile-mniorb.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-create-inheritance-link.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-create-inheritance-link.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-deal-string-tango-attribute-cpp.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-deal-string-tango-attribute-cpp.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-device-server-startup-time.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-device-server-startup-time.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-distinguish-clients-on-the-server-side.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-distinguish-clients-on-the-server-side.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-dynamic-attributes-device-class.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-dynamic-attributes-device-class.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-extract-scalar-attribute.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-extract-scalar-attribute.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-fandango.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-fandango.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-first-device-class.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-first-device-class.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-import-classes-to-catalogue.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-import-classes-to-catalogue.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-java-server-with-astor.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-java-server-with-astor.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-with-systemd.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-with-systemd.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-pytango.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-pytango.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-pytangoarchiving.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-pytangoarchiving.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-run-device-server-firewall.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-run-device-server-firewall.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-run-device-servers-on-XP-with-IPv6.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-run-device-servers-on-XP-with-IPv6.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-start-device-server.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-start-device-server.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-db-service.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-db-service.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-starter-daemon.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-starter-daemon.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-use-tango-servers-without-db.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-use-tango-servers-without-db.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-tune-polling-code-tango-class.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-tune-polling-code-tango-class.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-use-vectors-set-attributes.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-use-vectors-set-attributes.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials-for-administrators.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials-for-administrators.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/documentation-workflow-tutorial.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/documentation-workflow-tutorial.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/index.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/index.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/install-tango-webapp.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/install-tango-webapp.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/scada_introduction.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/scada_introduction.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/snapshots-from-lab-at-ESRF.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/snapshots-from-lab-at-ESRF.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-course.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-course.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-device-server_arduino-temperature-sensor.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-device-server_arduino-temperature-sensor.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/training_C-plus-plus.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/training_C-plus-plus.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/training_Python.doctree: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/doctrees/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/training_Python.doctree in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_downloads/7b01b2a3d74551e8ff453ae6034b2dc5/hdbcassandra-tango-workshop.pptx: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_downloads/7b01b2a3d74551e8ff453ae6034b2dc5/hdbcassandra-tango-workshop.pptx in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_downloads/d61100901b14baa16be2d62055289d74/hdb_-_high_availability_with_cassandra.pptx: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_downloads/d61100901b14baa16be2d62055289d74/hdb_-_high_availability_with_cassandra.pptx in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Astor-Starter.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Astor-Starter.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Astor.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Astor.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/ChangeBranch-2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/ChangeBranch-2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/ChangeBranch.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/ChangeBranch.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/DynamicAttr-3.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/DynamicAttr-3.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/DynamicAttr.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/DynamicAttr.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/ESRF.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/ESRF.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/HdbConfiguratorServer.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/HdbConfiguratorServer.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Multi-adding.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Multi-adding.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Multi-creation-1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Multi-creation-1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Multi-creation.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Multi-creation.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Multi-tree.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Multi-tree.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-first.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-first.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-generate-1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-generate-1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-generate.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-generate.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-inheritance-colors.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-inheritance-colors.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-inheritance.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-inheritance.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-packaging.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-packaging.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-preferences.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-preferences.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-protected.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-protected.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-site-preferences.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Pogo-site-preferences.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoEmptyImage.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoEmptyImage.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoFileImage.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoFileImage.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoFilesGenerated.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoFilesGenerated.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoFilled.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoFilled.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoFirstConfiguration.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoFirstConfiguration.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoGenerate.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoGenerate.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoGenerateButton.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/PogoGenerateButton.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Ready.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Ready.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/ServerStatistics.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/ServerStatistics.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/TAC.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/TAC.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/TACcommands.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/TACcommands.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/TACusers.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/TACusers.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/TangoDeviceServerModel_image1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/TangoDeviceServerModel_image1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/TangoDeviceServerModel_image2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/TangoDeviceServerModel_image2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/ThreadsManagement.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/ThreadsManagement.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/Use-templates.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/Use-templates.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/actions.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/actions.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/add-tools.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/add-tools.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/add.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/add.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/add_new_host.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/add_new_host.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/alarm.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/alarm.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/alias_create.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/alias_create.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/amazonCloudTango.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/amazonCloudTango.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/archi.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/archi.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/array.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/array.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/astor-tangotest.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/astor-tangotest.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/atkpanel-annotated.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/atkpanel-annotated.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/atkpanel.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/atkpanel.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/blueball.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/blueball.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/bool-array.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/bool-array.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/bool-trend.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/bool-trend.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/collection_view.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/collection_view.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/command.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/command.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/commands.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/commands.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/complete_server.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/complete_server.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/configure1.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/configure1.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/configure2.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/configure2.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/configure_event.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/configure_event.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/connect.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/connect.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/cons.bmp: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/cons.bmp in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/control.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/control.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/core-widget.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/core-widget.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/cumbia.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/cumbia.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/databaseds-as-service-01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/databaseds-as-service-01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/databaseds-as-service-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/databaseds-as-service-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/desktop.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/desktop.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/dev_browser_1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/dev_browser_1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/dev_browser_3.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/dev_browser_3.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-03.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-03.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-04.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-04.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-05.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/device-server-05.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/device_et.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/device_et.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/diagnostic-attr.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/diagnostic-attr.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/diagnostic-command.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/diagnostic-command.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/diagnostic-device.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/diagnostic-device.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/diagnostic-polled-attr.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/diagnostic-polled-attr.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/e-giga.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/e-giga.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/e-giga1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/e-giga1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_confirm.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_confirm.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_list.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_list.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_multiple.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_multiple.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_select.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_select.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_table.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_table.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_table_menu.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/edit_table_menu.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/error-history.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/error-history.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/event_schematic.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/event_schematic.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/event_schematic_zmq.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/event_schematic_zmq.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/event_tester.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/event_tester.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/features_overview.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/features_overview.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/filter_menu.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/filter_menu.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/filter_result.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/filter_result.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/filter_select.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/filter_select.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/greenbal.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/greenbal.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/hdbpp.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/hdbpp.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/help.bmp: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/help.bmp in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/host_window.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/host_window.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/host_window2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/host_window2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/html_pages.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/html_pages.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image1.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image1.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image10.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image10.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image10.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image10.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image100.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image100.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image101.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image101.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image1011.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image1011.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image102.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image102.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image103.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image103.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image104.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image104.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image105.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image105.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image11.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image11.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image11.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image11.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image110.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image110.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image111.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image111.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image112.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image112.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image12.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image12.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image12.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image12.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image121.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image121.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image122.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image122.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image13.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image13.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image13.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image13.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image131.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image131.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image132.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image132.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image14.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image14.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image14.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image14.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image141.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image141.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image142.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image142.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image15.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image15.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image15.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image15.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image151.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image151.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image152.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image152.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image16.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image16.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image16.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image16.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image161.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image161.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image162.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image162.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image17.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image17.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image17.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image17.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image171.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image171.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image172.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image172.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image18.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image18.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image18.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image18.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image181.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image181.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image19.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image19.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image19.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image19.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image191.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image191.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image2.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image2.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image20.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image20.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image20.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image20.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image201.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image201.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image21.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image21.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image21.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image21.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image211.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image211.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image212.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image212.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image22.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image22.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image22.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image22.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image221.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image221.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image23.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image23.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image23.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image23.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image231.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image231.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image24.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image24.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image24.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image24.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image241.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image241.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image25.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image25.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image25.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image25.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image251.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image251.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image26.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image26.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image26.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image26.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image261.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image261.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image27.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image27.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image27.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image27.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image271.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image271.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image28.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image28.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image28.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image28.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image281.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image281.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image29.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image29.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image29.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image29.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image291.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image291.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image3.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image3.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image30.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image30.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image30.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image30.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image301.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image301.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image31.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image31.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image31.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image31.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image310.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image310.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image311.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image311.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image32.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image32.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image32.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image32.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image321.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image321.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image33.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image33.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image33.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image33.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image331.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image331.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image34.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image34.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image34.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image34.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image341.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image341.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image35.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image35.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image35.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image35.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image36.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image36.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image36.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image36.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image37.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image37.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image37.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image37.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image371.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image371.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image38.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image38.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image39.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image39.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image391.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image391.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image4.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image4.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image40.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image40.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image41.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image41.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image411.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image411.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image42.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image42.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image421.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image421.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image43.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image43.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image44.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image44.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image45.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image45.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image451.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image451.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image46.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image46.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image47.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image47.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image48.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image48.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image49.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image49.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image5.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image5.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image50.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image50.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image51.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image51.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image510.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image510.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image52.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image52.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image53.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image53.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image54.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image54.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image55.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image55.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image56.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image56.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image57.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image57.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image58.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image58.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image59.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image59.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image6.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image6.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image6.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image6.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image61.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image61.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image62.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image62.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image63.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image63.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image64.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image64.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image65.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image65.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image66.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image66.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image67.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image67.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image68.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image68.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image69.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image69.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image7.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image7.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image7.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image7.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image70.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image70.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image71.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image71.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image72.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image72.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image73.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image73.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image74.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image74.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image75.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image75.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image76.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image76.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image77.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image77.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image78.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image78.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image79.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image79.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image8.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image8.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image8.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image8.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image80.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image80.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image81.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image81.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image810.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image810.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image82.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image82.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image83.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image83.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image84.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image84.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image85.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image85.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image86.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image86.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image87.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image87.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image88.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image88.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image89.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image89.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image9.jpeg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image9.jpeg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image9.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image9.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image90.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image90.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image91.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image91.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image910.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image910.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image911.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image911.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image92.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image92.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image93.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image93.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image94.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image94.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image95.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image95.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image96.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image96.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image97.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image97.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image98.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image98.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/image99.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/image99.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/imageCommand.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/imageCommand.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/imageCreateEditServeer.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/imageCreateEditServeer.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/imageCreateServer.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/imageCreateServer.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/imageExploreDevice.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/imageExploreDevice.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/imageFilesFolder.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/imageFilesFolder.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/imageGenerate.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/imageGenerate.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/imagePackaging.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/imagePackaging.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/imagePogo.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/imagePogo.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/import-2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/import-2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/import-21.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/import-21.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jive-dev1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jive-dev1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jive-tangotest.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jive-tangotest.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jive.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jive.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jive.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jive.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jive1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jive1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jive_simpl.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jive_simpl.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jive_sophis.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jive_sophis.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jlinac.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jlinac.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jlinac1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jlinac1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jupytango.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jupytango.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/jupytango1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/jupytango1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/key-pair.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/key-pair.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/libs.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/libs.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/listpanel.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/listpanel.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/log-level.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/log-level.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/logo_tangocontrols.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/logo_tangocontrols.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/logviewer-annotated.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/logviewer-annotated.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/main.bmp: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/main.bmp in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/main_window.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/main_window.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/main_window2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/main_window2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/main_window3.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/main_window3.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/mambo.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/mambo.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/mambo1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/mambo1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/modbus.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/modbus.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/modbus1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/modbus1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/multi_stop.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/multi_stop.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/mysql-user-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/mysql-user-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/orangebal.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/orangebal.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/panic.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/panic.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/pipe.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/pipe.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/pogo-dynattr.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/pogo-dynattr.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/polling_profiler.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/polling_profiler.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/polling_window.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/polling_window.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/pool_threads.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/pool_threads.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/preferences-menu.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/preferences-menu.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/preferences.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/preferences.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/prog_guide_exple1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/prog_guide_exple1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/prog_guide_exple2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/prog_guide_exple2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/prog_guide_exple3.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/prog_guide_exple3.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/prop_dev2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/prop_dev2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/property_create.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/property_create.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/property_delete.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/property_delete.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/property_history.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/property_history.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/property_history_dlg.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/property_history_dlg.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/property_rename.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/property_rename.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/pytango_logo.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/pytango_logo.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/r_attribute.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/r_attribute.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/r_pipe.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/r_pipe.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/raspberry_pi_200x200.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/raspberry_pi_200x200.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/rdp.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/rdp.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/redball.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/redball.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/rest-api.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/rest-api.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/rest-api1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/rest-api1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/sardana.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/sardana.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/sardana1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/sardana1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/server_addclass.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/server_addclass.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/server_adddevice.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/server_adddevice.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/server_dialog.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/server_dialog.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/server_menu.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/server_menu.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/server_move.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/server_move.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/server_rename.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/server_rename.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/server_rename_inst.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/server_rename_inst.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/start_event_manager.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/start_event_manager.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/start_new_server.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/start_new_server.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/start_server.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/start_server.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/starter-01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/starter-01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/starter-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/starter-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/starter-as-service-01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/starter-as-service-01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/starter-as-service-02.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/starter-as-service-02.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/startup.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/startup.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/startup_level.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/startup_level.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/startup_level.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/startup_level.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/tango-configuration-successful: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/tango-configuration-successful in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/tango-stack.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/tango-stack.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/tango_versions.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/tango_versions.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/taurus-trend-example.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/taurus-trend-example.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/taurus_showcase01.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/taurus_showcase01.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/test-admin.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/test-admin.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/test-attrs.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/test-attrs.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/test-commands.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/test-commands.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/test-dev1.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/test-dev1.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/test-pipe.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/test-pipe.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/test_device2.jpg: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/test_device2.jpg in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/testdevice_attr.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/testdevice_attr.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/testdevice_cmd.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/testdevice_cmd.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/trend.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/trend.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/w_attribute.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/w_attribute.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/w_pipe.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/w_pipe.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/webapp-2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/webapp-2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/webapp-21.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/webapp-21.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/whiteball.gif: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/whiteball.gif in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard2.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard2.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard3.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard3.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard4.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard4.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard5.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard5.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard6.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard6.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard7.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_images/wizard7.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/administration/deployment/multiple-sql-dbs.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/administration/services/events.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/advanced/threading.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/advanced/transferring-images.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/advanced/user-loop.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/client-api/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/contributing/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/device-api/attribute-alarms.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/device-api/forwarded-attribute.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/device-api/generating-events.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/device-api/introduction.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/device-api/memorized-attribute.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/development/general-guidelines/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/getting-started/development/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/getting-started/development/python/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/installation/pytango-and-taurus-on-windows.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/overview/ecosystem.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/overview/history.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/reference/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/bindings/c-lang.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/bindings/labVIEW.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/bindings/overview.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/bindings/panorama.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/main_window.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/paper.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/polling_window.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/dynamic_attr.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/preferences.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tools-and-extensions/web/waltz.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-developers.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-fandango.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-import-classes-to-catalogue.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-java-server-with-astor.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-starter-daemon.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/index.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/scada_introduction.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_sources/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-device-server_arduino-temperature-sensor.rst.txt has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/basic.css has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/css/meta_label_tango.css has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/css/theme_overrides.css has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/documentation_options.js has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/favicon.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/favicon.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/file.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/file.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Bold.ttf in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Bold.woff2: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Bold.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.ttf: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.ttf in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.woff2: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-BoldItalic.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Italic.ttf: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Italic.ttf in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Italic.woff2: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Italic.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Regular.ttf in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Regular.woff2: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/Lato-Regular.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/RobotoSlab-Regular.woff2: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/RobotoSlab-Regular.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_administration_map1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_archiving_map.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_archiving_map1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_bindings_map.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_bindings_map1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_cpp_python_development.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_cpp_python_development1_1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_cpp_python_development1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_development.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_development1_1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_development1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_java_development.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_java_development1_1.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_control_system_java_development1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_key.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
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> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/layer-map-source/tango_key1_1.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_background.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_background.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_grey.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_grey.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_white.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/logo_tangocontrols_white.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/minus.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/minus.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/_static/plus.png: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/_static/plus.png in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/_static/pygments.css has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/deployment/high-availability.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/deployment/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/deployment/multiple-sql-dbs.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/deployment/property-file.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/deployment/starter.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/deployment/starting.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/deployment/versions-in-use.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/deployment/without-sql-db.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/maintenance/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/maintenance/tango-admin.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/access-control.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/events.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/hdbpp.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdb++-design-guidelines.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdb-legacy.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-cassandra.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-cm-interface.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-es-interface.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-mysql.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/hdbpp/hdbpp-timescaledb.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/administration/services/notifd2db.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/authors.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/contents.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/IDL.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/TangoDeviceServerModel.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/known-issues.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/reference.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/rest-api.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/threading.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/transferring-images.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/advanced/user-loop.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/client-api/atk-programmers-guide.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/client-api/cpp-client-programmers-guide.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/client-api/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/contributing/cpptango-contribution.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/contributing/documentation-guide.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/contributing/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/corba.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/cpp-api/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/debugging-and-testing/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/debugging-and-testing/testing-tango-using-docker.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/attribute-alarms.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/device-polling.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/device-server-model.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/device-server-writing.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/ds-guideline/device-server-guidelines.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/ds-guideline/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/enumerated-attribute.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/forwarded-attribute.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/generating-events.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/introduction.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/java/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/memorized-attribute.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/device-api/python/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/general-guidelines/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/general-guidelines/naming.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/development/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/genindex.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/administration/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/cpp/cpp-quick-start.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/cpp/first-client.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/cpp/first-device-class.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/cpp/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/java/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/java/jtango-client.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/java/jtango-server.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/python/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/development/python/pytango-server.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/end-user/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/first-steps.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/getting-started/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/index_for_administrators.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/index_for_developers.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/index_for_users.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/amazon-cloud.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/binary_package.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/lts.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/minimum-deployment.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/patches.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/pytango-and-taurus-on-windows.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/source.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/tango-on-linux.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/tango-on-raspberry-pi.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/tango-on-windows.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/virtualmachine.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/vm/tangobox-9.2.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/installation/vm/tangobox.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/build/html/objects.inv: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/build/html/objects.inv in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/overview/SimplifiedTangoDatamodel.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/overview/ecosystem.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/overview/history.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/overview/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/overview/introduction.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/overview/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/reference/bibliography.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/reference/glossary.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/reference/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/reference/map_key.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/search.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/searchindex.js has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/alarm/panic.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/HDB++.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/HDB.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/SNAP.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/bensikin.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/mambo.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/archiving/snap-installation.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/c-lang.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/igor-pro.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/labVIEW.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/matlab-and-octave.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/bindings/panorama.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/access_control.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/add_host.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/add_server.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/branch_management.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/config.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/event_tester.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/features_overview.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/host_window.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/introduction.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/main_window.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/multi_start_stop.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/new_server_wizard.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/paper.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/polling_window.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/statistics.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/astor/tango_versions.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/atk.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/atk_java_doc.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atk/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/atkpanel/atkpanel.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jdraw/jdraw.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/alias.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/collection.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/command.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/editing.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/filtering.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/property.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/jive/servers.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/logviewer/logviewer.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/compatibility.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/description.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/dynamic_attr.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/generated_code.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/inheritance.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/multi_classes.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/packaging.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/preferences.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/built-in/pogo/startup.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/gui/qtango/qtango.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/gui/taurus/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/tools.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/web/canone.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tools-and-extensions/web/waltz.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-administrators.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos-for-developers.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-compile-mniorb.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-create-inheritance-link.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-deal-string-tango-attribute-cpp.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-device-server-startup-time.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-distinguish-clients-on-the-server-side.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-dynamic-attributes-device-class.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-extract-scalar-attribute.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-fandango.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-first-device-class.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-import-classes-to-catalogue.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-java-server-with-astor.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-integrate-with-systemd.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-pytango.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-pytangoarchiving.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-run-device-server-firewall.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-run-device-servers-on-XP-with-IPv6.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-start-device-server.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-db-service.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-try-tango/tango-starter-daemon.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-to-use-tango-servers-without-db.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-tune-polling-code-tango-class.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/how-use-vectors-set-attributes.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/how-tos/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials-for-administrators.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/documentation-workflow-tutorial.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/index.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/install-tango-webapp.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/scada_introduction.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/snapshots-from-lab-at-ESRF.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-course.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/tango-device-server_arduino-temperature-sensor.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/training_C-plus-plus.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: warning: file tango-9.4.2+dfsg1/doc/src/build/html/tutorials-and-howtos/tutorials/training_Python.html has no final newline (either original or modified version)
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/source/tangocontrib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/source/tangocontrib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-311.pyc in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to doc/src/source/tangocontrib/__pycache__/metalabels.cpython-311.pyc: binary file contents changed
> dpkg-source: error: add doc/src/source/tangocontrib/__pycache__/metalabels.cpython-311.pyc in debian/source/include-binaries if you want to store the modified binary in the debian tarball
> dpkg-source: error: unrepresentable changes to source
> dpkg-buildpackage: error: dpkg-source -b . subprocess returned exit status 1
> E: Command 'cd /<<PKGBUILDDIR>> && runuser -u user42 -- dpkg-buildpackage --sanitize-env -us -uc -rfakeroot -S' failed to run.

The full build log is available from:

If you reassign this bug to another package, please mark it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See https://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control#affects

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

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