Bug#1071722: adios4dolfinx: FTBFS: failing tests

Drew Parsons dparsons at debian.org
Sun May 26 11:08:46 BST 2024

On 2024-05-25 18:31, Santiago Vila wrote:
> El 25/5/24 a las 16:42, Drew Parsons escribió:
>> adios4dolfinx is building cleanly in reproducibility builds.
>> Perhaps the problem was a temporary glitch on your test system?
> No, this is unlikely to be a temporary glitch:
> My system has 2 CPUs, apparently MPI counts them as "one engine" and 
> fails
> because the code has things like this:
> ipp.Cluster(engines="mpi", n=2)
> This bypasses whatever BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=n setting the
> user might set.
> BTW: This bug looks similar to #1057556, which the maintainer
> misdiagnosed as "fails with a single cpu" (not true!).
> In such bug I proposed to run mpi with true and skip
> the tests if it fails.
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1057556#34
> Maybe a similar idea would work here as well.

We can try that. As you suggested in the other bug, it might be quirk of 
openmpi we're facing.
openmpi distinguishs sockets, cores, slots, hwthread.  On one system two 
cores might be found in one socket, on another each core might have its 
own socket.

To track that, what does `lscpu` report on your failing system?
(the thread,core,socket lines are probably the relevant ones)

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