[Debian-science-sagemath] libgslcblas0 conflict

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Thu Aug 10 16:34:00 UTC 2017

Hi Rann, this is expected because the maintainer of GSL messed up the upload and didn't follow the Debian library transition process: https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/Transitions - for more details see bug #869778.

Due to the Debian QA processes, this will be fixed before any of these un-coinstallable packages get into Debian testing (buster), and therefore won't affect most normal users.

However due to the nature of package development (including the fact that the aforementioned sorts of fuck-ups sometimes occur) we don't provide the same guarantees for Debian unstable, and neither for the deb-sci-sage repo that I recently uploaded sagemath 8.0 to. So, sorry you can't install sagemath 8.0 alongside those other programs, for the time being.

If you have some spare time, you are welcome to help with our development process, by co-ordinating with the GSL maintainer to get the relevant packages rebuilt ("do a binary-only NMU upload") so that the newly-built packages depend on libgsl23 instead of libgsl2.


Rann Bar-On:
> Hi,
> In trying to upgrade to sage 8, I have a conflict between libgslcblas0
> (which is required by libgiac0, libgsl23, sagemath, and xcas) and
> libgsl2, which is required by a number of packages, including inkscape
> and bogofilter-bdb). This makes sage 8 uninstallable without removing a
> number of packages I require.
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Rann

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