[Debian-science-sagemath] pari-sage or pari ?

Ximin Luo infinity0 at debian.org
Wed Aug 24 07:17:00 UTC 2016

jdemeyer at cage.ugent.be:
>> There is generally a reason why a patch is rejected. If things go too slowly, it's ok to add it to your package -- as long as it's documented (see http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ ).
> So Debian also adds patches to upstream projects. Why is that OK but not for Sage? Why the double standard?

You should be able to answer this for yourself, based on my previous comments in this thread.

>> But that doesn't mean packaging something under a name where users will get lost if they get the same-named software from another distribution : we're packaging an upstream project, not making something out of the blue!
>> Instead of releasing foo-3.14+0xdeadbeef-p257 in sage-the-distribution as if it were "foo", which it isn't because you considered upstream's offering unsuitable and patched it left and right, just release sagefoo-3.14 in sage-the-distribution.
> Is it really just a matter of naming? Because then the whole discussion is just silly....

No, you're not even *trying to understand*. It's not just a matter of naming, but of maintaining a piece of code as well as upstream does. We're not going to release python2.7+sage1234 for other people to use as "python"; this would be totally irresponsible. Can you figure out for yourself why?

This discussion is going around in circles because you're not *trying to understand*. You're trying to pick out logical holes in what we're saying, but there is no hole - you're just not making the effort to sum together all the points we've made and form a coherent idea in your own head about what Debian is about.

I'd suggest we stop this discussion, until you can make this mental switch.


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