[Debian-science-sagemath] fpylll: dependency or dependencee of Sage ?: fplll 5.0.3
Ximin Luo
infinity0 at debian.org
Sun Oct 23 17:30:00 UTC 2016
Gianfranco <LocutusOfBorg> told me that he uploaded sollya 6 already (built against 5.0.2), so we will have to binNMU the amd64 build of it again after 5.0.3 is processed. (The ftp queue is stuck atm because the host machine is being moved.)
Ximin Luo:
> I've just uploaded fplll 5.0.3 to unstable. This includes some fixes that would help us package SageMath, which we think we have a good chance of completing in time for stretch.
> I hope this is OK for the release team, I just wanted to save some round-trips. Jerome who, maintains both reverse dependencies, has already prepared releases that work against this new version 5.0.3.
> X
> Jerome BENOIT:
>> Hi,
>> On 20/10/16 03:57, Tobias Hansen wrote:
>>> As I just said in the last mail, let's upload fplll 5.0.3 first.
>> Ok. Sorry, I thought it was more important to have them both in Sid first.
>> Can you upload fplll 5.0.3 soon ?
>> Thanks,
>> Jerome
>>> Best,
>>> Tobias
>>> On 10/20/2016 03:54 AM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>>>> On 19/10/16 20:41, Tobias Hansen wrote:
>>>>> Jerome, could you make shure gap-float and sollya work with fplll 5.0.3?
>>>> I have just checked, they work well.
>>>> I am on my way to upload them to Sid.
>>>> Jerome
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