[Debichem-devel] Cron <dleidert-guest at alioth> $QA_BASE/scripts/qa/qareport -c $QA_BASE/.debianqa/qa.conf --showall

Cron Daemon root at alioth.debian.org
Sat Feb 9 00:00:03 UTC 2008

Feb  9 00:00:03 qareport[15267]: read_cache(consolidated, pkglist, 0) invoked
Feb  9 00:00:03 qareport[15267]: Opening /home/groups/debichem/.debianqa/consolidated in R mode
Feb  9 00:00:03 qareport[15267]: Closing /home/groups/debichem/.debianqa/consolidated
Feb  9 00:00:03 qareport[15267]: dive_hash(HASH(0x8eb3a0), /pkglist) invoked
Feb  9 00:00:03 qareport[15267]: read_cache(consolidated, , 0) invoked
Feb  9 00:00:03 qareport[15267]: dive_hash(HASH(0x8eb3a0), ) invoked
Showing 24 out of 24 packages
apbs: Adaptive Poisson Boltzmann Solver
 - Problems: has_bugs, repo_ancient
 - Notes: 0.5.1-1.1 > 0.5.1-1
 - Repository status: repo_ancient
   + Latest released: 0.5.1-1 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 0.5.1-2
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 0.5.1-1.1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #424100 - apbs: FTBFS if built twice in a row
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/apbs/apbs-0.5.1-source.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 0.5.1
bkchem: Python based chemical structures editor
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 0.12.0-1 (LI Daobing <lidaobing at gmail.com>)
   + Latest unreleased: 0.12.0-2
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 0.12.0-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: OK
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://bkchem.zirael.org/download_en.html/download/bkchem-0.12.0.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 0.12.0
bodr: Blue Obelisk Data Repository
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 6-3 (Daniel Leidert (dale) <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
   + Latest unreleased: 6-4
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 6-3 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: OK
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/bodr/bodr-6.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 6
chemical-mime-data: chemical MIME and file type support for desktops
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 0.1.94-3 (Daniel Leidert (dale) <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
   + Latest unreleased: 0.1.94-4
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 0.1.94-3 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #420795 - chemical-mime-data: Unknown media type in type 'chemical/x-*'
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/chemical-mime/chemical-mime-data-0.1.94.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 0.1.94
chemtool: Chemical structures drawing program
 - Problems: has_bugs, needs_upgrade
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 1.6.10-1 (LI Daobing <lidaobing at gmail.com>)
   + Latest unreleased: 1.6.11-1
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 1.6.10-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #264483 - chemtool: superscript and subscript in SVG aren't quite right
 - Upstream status: needs_upgrade
   + URL: http://ruby.chemie.uni-freiburg.de/~martin/chemtool/chemtool-1.6.11.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 1.6.11
easychem: Draw high-quality molecules and 2D chemical formulas
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 0.6-4 (Daniel Leidert (dale) <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
   + Latest unreleased: 0.6-5
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 0.6-4 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: OK
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/easychem/easychem-0.6.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 0.6
gabedit: graphical user interface to Ab Initio packages
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 2.1.0-1 (Daniel Leidert (dale) <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
   + Latest unreleased: 2.1.0-2
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 2.1.0-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #438694 - gabedit: Crashes when loading any XYZ format file
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/gabedit/Gabedit210Src.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 2.1.0
garlic: A visualization program for biomolecules
 - Problems: has_bugs, needs_upgrade
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 1.5-2 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 1.5-3
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 1.5-2 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #392228 - Whatis parse fails for garlic(1)
    + Bug #396718 - garlic: Homepage is 403 access forbidden.
 - Upstream status: needs_upgrade
   + URL: http://www.zucic.org/sources/garlic-1.6
   + Latest version: 1.6
garlic-doc: [Chemistry] a molecular visualization program - documents
 - Problems: needs_upgrade
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 1.5-1 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 1.5-2
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 1.5-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: OK
 - Upstream status: needs_upgrade
   + URL: http://www.zucic.org/sources/garlic-1.6
   + Latest version: 1.6
gausssum: parse and display Gaussian, GAMESS, and etc's output
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 2.1.4-1 (LI Daobing <lidaobing at gmail.com>)
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 2.1.4-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: OK
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/gausssum/GaussSum-2.1.4.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 2.1.4
gchempaint: 2D chemical structures editor for the GNOME2 desktop
 - Problems: has_bugs, needs_upgrade
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 0.8.6-1 (Daniel Leidert (dale) <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
   + Latest unreleased: 0.8.6-2
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 0.8.6-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #455530 - Update to use new goffice
 - Upstream status: needs_upgrade
   + URL: http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/gchempaint/0.8/gchempaint-0.8.7.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 0.8.7
ghemical: A GNOME molecular modelling environment
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 2.95-2 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 2.95-3
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 2.95-2 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #447628 - ghemical: Spin Multiplicity unknown
    + Bug #273318 - ghemical: Conformational Search is slow and there is no cancel button
    + Bug #463948 - ghemical -- please use gfortran based blas, lapack
    + Bug #417197 - FTBFS with GCC 4.3: missing #includes
    + Bug #137844 - ghemical: Rendering problem
    + Bug #252384 - ghemical: po files (localization) fail to compile
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://bioinformatics.org/ghemical/download/current/ghemical-2.95.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 2.95
gnome-chemistry-utils: GNOME chemistry utils (library)
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 0.8.6-1 (Daniel Leidert (dale) <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
   + Latest unreleased: 0.8.6-2
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 0.8.6-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #458230 - Please add firefox to Depends
    + Bug #455532 - Update to use new goffice
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/gchemutils/0.8/gnome-chemistry-utils-0.8.6.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 0.8.6
gperiodic: periodic table application
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 2.0.10-2 (Daniel Leidert (dale) <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
   + Latest unreleased: 2.0.10-3
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 2.0.10-2 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #214493 - gperiodic: Would be nice if GUI were spiffed-up
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://www.frantz.fi/software/gperiodic.php/gperiodic-2.0.10.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 2.0.10
gromacs: Molecular dynamics simulator, with building and analysis tools
 - Problems: needs_upload
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 3.3.3~pre1-1 (Nicholas Breen <nbreen at ofb.net>)
 - Debian archive status: needs_upload
   + Latest version: 3.3.2-3 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: OK
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: ftp://ftp.gromacs.org/pub/gromacs/gromacs-3.3.3_pre1.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 3.3.3_pre1
libghemical: Molecular Modelling Library (Development Files)
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 2.96-1 (LI Daobing <lidaobing at gmail.com>)
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 2.96-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #462696 - FTBFS with GCC 4.3: missing #includes
    + Bug #417336 - FTBFS with GCC 4.3: missing #includes
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://bioinformatics.org/ghemical/download/current/libghemical-2.96.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 2.96
liboglappth: Oglappth Library (Development Files)
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 0.96-3 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 0.96-4
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 0.96-3 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #462071 - FTBFS with GCC 4.3: missing #includes
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://bioinformatics.org/ghemical/download/current/liboglappth-0.96.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 0.96
mopac7: Semi-empirical Quantum Chemistry Library (Development files)
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 1.13-1 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 1.13-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: OK
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://bioinformatics.org/ghemical/download/current/mopac7-1.13.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 1.13
mpqc: The Scientific Computing Toolkit (development version)
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 2.3.1-1 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 2.3.1-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #234305 - bad settings in 50mpqc-support.el
    + Bug #456100 - gcc warnings: #define redefined
    + Bug #400224 - mpqc-support: /usr/bin/tkmolrender miss #! line
    + Bug #463968 - mpqc -- please use gfortran based blas, lapack
    + Bug #284384 - should be used with doc-base
    + Bug #193616 - mpqc has many missing libs in the linkages
    + Bug #409025 - Build mpqc with libint
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/mpqc/mpqc-2.3.1.tar.bz2
   + Latest version: 2.3.1
openbabel: Convert and manipulate chemical data files
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 2.1.1-2 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 2.1.1-3
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 2.1.1-2 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #459116 - openbabel: FTBFS with dash: test cml failed
    + Bug #455170 - FTBFS with GCC 4.3: missing #includes
    + Bug #442223 - openbabel: some connect information lost when convert from pdb to txyz
    + Bug #419070 - openbabel: core dumped when convert a gaussian input file to tinker xyz
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/openbabel/openbabel-2.1.1.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 2.1.1
psicode: Quantum Chemical Program Suite
 - Problems: has_bugs, needs_upgrade
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 3.2.3-1 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 3.3.0-1
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 3.2.3-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #463972 - psicode -- please use gfortran based blas, lapack
    + Bug #442704 - psicode: FTBFS if build twice in a row
 - Upstream status: needs_upgrade
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/psicode/psi-3.3.0.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 3.3.0
pymol: An OpenGL Molecular Graphics System written in Python
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 1.0r2-1 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 1.0r2-2
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 1.0r2-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #214026 - pymol and opengl
    + Bug #277351 - pymol: Pymol clutters .xsession-errors with log messages
    + Bug #148399 - pymol: Missing manpage
    + Bug #379386 - pymol: always make my X hang under amd64+smp+fglrx
    + Bug #277349 - pymol: python module distutils.spawn not found - missing dependency on python2.3-dev
    + Bug #310744 - pymol: segmentation fault on nvidia hardware
    + Bug #231844 - pymol: Small Error on startup
    + Bug #442706 - pymol: FTBFS if build twice in a row
    + Bug #459644 - pymol: script (command-line) mode appears broken...
    + Bug #295861 - python-pmw: Warnings during configure phase
    + Bug #446421 - test bug 3
    + Bug #376108 - pymol: fail to start with freeglut error
    + Bug #259013 - pymol: Fragment not found while building
    + Bug #231845 - pymol: Carton riboons: object rep3 not found.
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://pymol.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pymol/tags/1.0r2/
   + Latest version: 1.0r2
xdrawchem: Chemical structures and reactions editor
 - Problems: has_bugs
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 1.9.9-4 (Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org>)
   + Latest unreleased: 1.9.9-5
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 1.9.9-4 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: has_bugs
    + Bug #379391 - xdrawchem: segfault when "save as"
    + Bug #405131 - Export filter for binary CDX format exports to CDXML
    + Bug #215409 - xdrawchem: segfaults on weird smiles input
    + Bug #245051 - xdrawchem: xfig export for wdrawchem ?
    + Bug #303440 - xdrawchem: segfault after cut selection
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/xdrawchem/xdrawchem-1.9.9.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 1.9.9
xmakemol: A program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems
 - Repository status: OK
   + Latest released: 5.16-1 (Daniel Leidert (dale) <daniel.leidert at wgdd.de>)
   + Latest unreleased: 5.16-2
 - Debian archive status: OK
   + Latest version: 5.16-1 (from unstable)
 - BTS status: OK
 - Upstream status: OK
   + URL: http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/xmakemol/xmakemol-5.16.tar.gz
   + Latest version: 5.16

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