[Debichem-devel] gchemutils browser plugins

Michael Banck mbanck at debian.org
Wed Jan 30 08:50:00 UTC 2008

On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 02:07:21PM -0800, Jordan Mantha wrote:
> Daniel Leidert wrote:
> > Jordan Mantha wrote:
> >> Thanks Daniel for working on getting 0.8.6 uploaded and adding the
> >> galeon and epiphany deps for gcu-plugin. However, I do have a question
> >> about these. For me on Ubuntu I still have to link libmozgcu.{la,so} to
> >> /usr/lib/epiphany/2.20/plugins/ to get it to work (but it does work
> >> which is cool).
> > 
> > The plugin works for me with ephiphany-browser and galeon without
> > new symlinks. Can you check about:plugins in your epiphany and galeon
> > browser and maybe for differences between the Debian/Ubuntu packages
> > of these browsers?
> Yes, I checked before emailing :-) Without the symlink nothing in
> about:plugins and it doesn't open gchemutils files. After symlink it
> works. I'll dig around a bit more to see if this is Ubuntu-specific. I
> wouldn't have thought so, but I don't know.
> >> I'm not exactly sure why the epiphany directory is
> >> version specific but we should probably figure something out. Galeon
> >> similarly looks to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ for the plugin. Shall we
> >> include these in gcu-plugin.links ?
> > 
> > Not sure. I first need more information. As I already wrote, I would like
> > to avoid to pollute the file system for Debian and Ubuntu users.
> Sure. I don't really like all these symlinks running around either for
> the same plugin.
Just using /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins for all xulrunner browsers wouldn't
work maybe?


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