[Debichem-devel] Bug#487688: gElemental - dbg packages

Cesare Tirabassi cesare.tirabassi at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 17:31:30 UTC 2008

Hi Michael,

On Monday 23 June 2008 18:18:54 Michael Banck wrote:
> > I have added a debugging package to the libelemental python bindings
> > package; I think this could be a nice addition to gelemental too. Just
> > in case you want to consider it, I attach a patch to this email.
> How many reverse-dependencies for gelemental are there, and what
> applications are using python-elemental?  If there are no frequent
> crasher bugs which are hard to track down, I don't think debug packages
> are really needed.

You can't possibly justify wether a dbg package is needed or not a priori. It 
is an airbag, you might never need it yet it is a good idea to have it there, 
just when you might need it.
Also, in this particular case we provide the libelemental library which can be 
accessed by user's applications. Providing a dbg package to support the 
debugging of those applications seems a good thing to do.

Its up to you as maintainers to decide if the drawback (archive space?) is 
worth the potential benefits.


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