[Debichem-devel] Looking for sponsor to promote a new package OSRA

Filippo Rusconi lopippo at debian.org
Mon Dec 15 22:03:28 UTC 2014


On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 05:47:05PM +0100, Dmitry Katsubo wrote:
>Dear DebianChemistry Development community,
>I am looking for mentor/sponsor who can help me with packaging of the
>project OSRA (http://sourceforge.net/p/osra/). Most of work is already
>done, and all necessary basic things are in trunk. However I need
>somebody to make a review and help in fixing further issues.

Where is the packaging repository (prefereably in a git repos) ? I
could clone it and check it.


Filippo Rusconi, PhD - public crypto key 7694CF42@ pgp.mit.edu
Researcher at CNRS and Debian Developer <lopippo at debian.org>
Author of ``massXpert''     at http://www.massxpert.org

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