[Debichem-devel] abinit, pst-pdf and auto-pst-pdf

Thaddeus H. Black thb at debian.org
Thu Jan 21 19:39:54 GMT 2021

On Thu, Jan 21, 2021 at 05:53:17PM +0100, Michael Banck wrote:
> Well, I disabled enable_pstricks_with_pdflatex.patch locally when I tried
> to work on the new upstream release, so I assume there were some build
> issues, but I don't remember specifics. As this is just some
> documentation, I did not verify a lot so far whether the resulting pdf
> is legit.

I see.  Thank you for the informative answer.  It helps.

If the abinit document is not important enough to worry about, then I
won't bother you about it again.  However, if

  * you decide that the abinit document is important and
  * the document won't build,

then, rather than wasting time, feel free to ask me.  (Send SMS text to
the telephone number in db.debian.org if email does not get a
prompt reply.)

The underlying problem seems to go to the LaTeX package hyperref.
As far as I know, TeX Live cannot solve the problem in a reasonable way
in time for bullseye's release, but my workaround fills the gap.

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