[Debichem-devel] Avogadro2 unofficial Debian / Ubuntu packages?

Daniel Leidert dleidert at debian.org
Fri May 21 21:40:05 BST 2021

Am Freitag, dem 21.05.2021 um 14:34 -0400 schrieb Geoffrey Hutchison:
> I hope you're doing well. I'm writing to ask about offering unofficial .deb
> packages for Avogadro2.
> Users have been asking for different compile options (i.e., with MoleQueue
> enabled so they have the input generators). I'm working to remove the
> dependency, but that's a slower project.
> I'd like to offer packages on our GitHub releases - but naturally I've never
> done any Debian packaging. So I'm writing to the experts.
> Can you give me a quick primer, e.g.
> - Download source package
> - ..
> - Compile
> - Run dpkg-deb --build

Get the Debian package source via:

dget <.dsc URL>, e.g.

dget https://deb.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/avogadro/avogadro_1.93.0-3.dsc

Use https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/avogadro to see the source package versions
and links of avogadro in all Debian releases. You can get those not listed
there from http://snapshot.debian.org/package/avogadro/.

Then add a changelog entry to debian/changelog. See `man dch`. You probably
want to use the -l/--local switch. Make the changes you need (probably in
debian/copyright and or debian/rules) and finalize your changelog (`dch -r`).
Then build with whatever build tool you prefer: debuild, dpkg-buildpackage,
pbuilder, cowbuilder, sbuild, ... the latter offering clean build environments.

Or maybe you want to clone https://salsa.debian.org/debichem-team/avogadro,
create a new branch for your changes, and use git-buildpackage in combination
with sbuild or pbuilder to build the package? That way we could even merge your
changes back. We can lend you a helping hand to setup the environment.

> - Upload amd64 .deb

Well, but uploading this to github releases doesn't provide any automatic
updates for users and their installation would also be overwritten by our
packages as soon as we update the official package (as long as you don't choose
a different package name). To separate your packages and enable updates you
would need to create your own repository. If you are using github, there are
some ways to achieve this:

I think the openmediavault guys keep the complete repository structure in git
and publish the repository:

It is probably also possible to script the whole process and use github actions
or travis-CI to create the repository structure.

However, the truth is: Even as an experienced Debian maintainer and
github/travis user it would take me some time to set up the whole environment.
I wonder what is so different that it cannot be included in the official
package? Can you provide some more details?

Regards, Daniel
Daniel Leidert <dleidert at debian.org> | https://www.wgdd.de/
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