[Design-devel] Looking for colors to identify Debian releases

Christoph Biedl debian.axhn at manchmal.in-ulm.de
Sat Oct 22 11:20:43 UTC 2016

Hi there,

monitoring and visualizing several processes based on different Debian
distributions I realized recognition was easier if distributions had
the same color everywhere. The graphing tools like gnoplot or rrdtool
have a default default palette, of course they are all different. So
I'm looking for a unified color schema.

This leads to a concept of "Debian release colors": Colors that
identify a release. The important purpose is distinguishability, so no
two of the (up to) five running releases may have the same or even
similar color.

Is there anything like this around and I didn't find it? Or should
I follow up with detailled ideas?

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