[Fingerforce-devel] Processed: fixing wnpp bugs

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Sun Jan 13 11:00:09 UTC 2008

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> #s/-/--/
> retitle 460455 ITP: topshelf -- current files applet for gnome
Bug#460455: ITP: topshelf - current files applet for gnome
Changed Bug title to `ITP: topshelf -- current files applet for gnome' from `ITP: topshelf - current files applet for gnome'.

> #wrong severity
> severity 460455 wishlist
Bug#460455: ITP: topshelf -- current files applet for gnome
Severity set to `wishlist' from `normal'

> #ITP without owner
> owner 460455 Siegfried-Angel <siggi.gevatter at gmail.com>
Bug#460455: ITP: topshelf -- current files applet for gnome
Owner recorded as Siegfried-Angel <siggi.gevatter at gmail.com>.

> #lowercase package name
> retitle 460473 ITP: apoc -- A Point of Control
Bug#460473: ITP: APOC -- A Point of Control
Changed Bug title to `ITP: apoc -- A Point of Control' from `ITP: APOC -- A Point of Control'.

> #duplicate ITPs
> forcemerge 438922 460493
Bug#438922: ITP: libfprint -- simple API for you to enroll fingerprints
Bug#460493: ITP: libfprint -- fingerprint library of fprint project
Forcibly Merged 438922 460493.

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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