[Fingerforce-devel] Any news on Kensi Muto mail?

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Mon Jan 21 00:04:24 UTC 2008

Hi Miguel!

On Tue, 08 Jan 2008 20:49:04 +0100, Miguel Gea Milvaques wrote:
> Luca Capello wrote:
>> While we're at it, about ThinkFinger: since the last time I imported an
>> SVN checkout (back at the beginning of December [1]), I found another
>> bug in the automake stuffs [2], so I prepared a new upstream tarball
>> (0.3+rev118.2).  However, in order to avoid the same previous error with
>> svn-import, I put it in my ToDo list and then quite forgot it.
>> While ThinkFinger will be eventually replaced by fprint, I don't like to
>> have unresolved bugs (#452178 [3]), so I'm for updating a new version to
>> experimental that fix that bug and then after fprint has been tested a
>> bit more on Debian, update a dummy package that depends on fprint.  Is
>> it OK for you?
> Nice. On other hand. does thinkfinger provide any additional
> functionality that fprint lacks?
> (as different/better devices support) If the answer is yes, and if you
> think that thinkfinger has been enough tested, it could be uploaded to
> unstable.

I'd prefer to keep ThinkFinger in experimental: since it's dead
upstream, I don't see the point in uploading it to unstable and then
having it migrated to testing.

I haven't tried fprint yet, but IIRC there are two main differences:

1) ThinkFinger is more than stable (dead), to my knowledge the only bug
   is #452178 [1] (solved upstream and in Debian with the next upload).
   On the contrary, even the upstream author stated "the libfprint API
   and file formats" instability [2].  This is not really a problem,
   since ThinkFinger is already in experimental

2) ThinkFinger PAM module is working, while according to Emfox the
   pam-fprint one is still a WIP [3].  Since I haven't tested fprint
   yet, I cannot comment on this, but my main advice is to put all the
   efforts in pam-fprint and stop worrying about ThinkFinger...

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=452178
[2] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/fingerforce-devel/2008-January/000069.html
[3] http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/fingerforce-devel/2008-January/000068.html
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