[Fingerforce-devel] libfprint: New upstream snapshot upload

Dererk dererk at debian.org
Sat May 19 20:00:07 UTC 2012

On 19/05/12 12:42, Didier Raboud wrote:
> Hi Ulises, hi FingerForce,
> I propose to update libfprint to incorporate the last fixes in upstream's Git 
> and to fix the broken versioning scheme (purely date-based when upstream had 
> releases).
> My work is on this Git repository as the "debian/0.4.0-4-gdfff16f-1" tag:
> 	http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=fingerforce/libfprint.git;a=summary
> I have uploaded the debian/0.4.0-4-gdfff16f-1 tag to DELAYED/7; please tell me 
> if I should cancel it or delay it any longer. I of course welcome any 
> comments.

Sounds great!

I've not had the chance to take a look at them, but since you have been
doing quite some work around, I'm confident you won't need that   ;-)
Please go ahead and push it on NEW directly, no need to wait.

For future changes, you might not need to ask for permission, unless not
on my side, I would just kindly ask you to let us know about the changes
directly on the road as you go, you're now member now :-)




ps: totally unrelated to this subject. In the past we used to have the
commitdiff/comment sent to this list as a SVN hook. That was quite nice
for keeping updated on the blink of an eye.
As a Severity:wishlist bug :-) , do you know if it's possible to have
some similar functionality with git now?

BOFH excuse #341:
HTTPD Error 666 : BOFH was here

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