[Freedombox-discuss] distributed encrypted highly-available storage for the FreedomBox

rohit rohitm at engr.uconn.edu
Fri Aug 27 00:56:15 UTC 2010

Osama Khalid wrote:
> How much storage does a regular user needs for the software stack,
> email, photos, notices and articles?
> 20GB, that is extendable with a USB storage device, seems to be more
> enough, isn't it? 20GB and even 40GB are pretty cheap these days.
I don't know, it's hard to predict storage needs other than that they 
are always increasing!  We should not neglect audio, and video and other 
large files from what people store and share. However, as you point out 
storage is not terribly expensive. 
> We won't need Dropbox as it is now. You'll have your own server that
> you will be able to access from anywhere and your data will be
> automatically backed up to your friends' Freedomboxes.
Agreed.  You seem to be describing what I want as well ;-)  Well- I'd 
like to go a step beyond redundancy.  In my mind a good solution show 
have some logic for access control via encryption (I might have some 
data I don't want to share with friends, or I would only share with some 
friends but not others), and logic for high-availability (not just 

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