[Freedombox-discuss] Opinions on the Excito B3

e.waelde ew.ng7125 at nassur.net
Mon Nov 1 20:10:35 UTC 2010

Hi Francesco,

On 10/31/2010 03:29 PM, Francesco Poli wrote:

> I would like to know what you think about the Excito B3 product as a
> possible hardware platform for my project and/or for the freedombox
> project:
> http://www.excito.com/bubba/products/technical-specifications.html
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=excito_b3&num=1

I poked a bit on the excito web page, but the technical specs I found
did not answer the question: does it have a serial console (buried
somewhere inside???). There should be something inside (voids your warranty,
of course, when you open it :-)  If it doesn't, frankly, I would not
consider it.

There are boards from soekris.com (e.g. net4801) and pcengines.ch (Alix),
which would do a "dns, dhcp, ntp, WLAN/router, firewall, apt-proxy" thing.
I do run a net4801 for 6 years with no hickups (debian stable). They have
a serial interface used as console, so no big deal with the installation or
talking to the bootloader.

However, iff you want to use it as a backup system, media stream server
or other heavy IO stuff, then I'm uncertain, whether my suggestions are
any good.



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