[Freedombox-discuss] Getting involved, three

e.waelde ew.ng7125 at nassur.net
Mon Oct 4 19:27:29 UTC 2010


my name is Erich, I live in debian "user space" since woody. I'm fluent in
shell, perl, C since my day job is keeping a specialized Linux working.

After viewing Eben Moglens talk on Debconf 2010, I decided, it's about time.

Not sure, what to do at this stage. I do have some working hardware
. nslu2
. soekris net4801
. seagate dockstar (a disk docking station really)
. linutop v1
all of them running some Debian GNU/Linux, so I could spend some test time at least.

Even though I largely agree that we (on this list) should not primarily code,
but reuse existing pieces, there is no way around testing and *documentation*.
You guessed it :-)

I found Lars' suggestion an alpha-0..4 stages in the archive. But I have not yet
skimmed through the whole archive. Has there been some discussion about "where to


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