[Freedombox-discuss] Dehierarchicalization (e.g. avoiding DNS) is imperative?

Matthew Johnson mjj29 at debian.org
Thu Oct 7 12:38:20 UTC 2010

On Thu Oct 07 13:58, paxcoder wrote:
> Look,you could've removed it from the wiki. You didn't, and if you did,  
> it would've surely be put back. It's agreed upon, since it's there for  
> months now. When will you stop playing the "we don't have any  
> rules/goals" game? If we have no goals, we have no future. So these are  
> the only things we can call goals.

This is also news to me. This mailing list is the primary discussion and
decision making forum. I do not regularly check the wiki to see what may or may
not have been put up there (it is open after all) - I have too much to do to be
constantly polling services for changes - one of the reasons I'm not on
facebook or similar.

Sure, the wiki is useful for tracking progress, archives, showing current state
and a collaborative working area, but only when things have been discussed on

That said, I will comment on this actual issue. I certainly do not believe that
independence from things like the DNS is our goal. DNS can be provided through
many companies; it's not one of the things that locks our data into a single
corporate provider. In fact, I think it's one of the examples of things that
the internet does _right_.

This is not to say that we should _require_ users to own a domain name but we
should certainly interoperate with people who do. If nothing else, if this is
to interact with our email and isn't addressable through the DNS then you don't
get to interact with anyone not using a freedom box, which completely defeats
the idea of how to get more people to use it.

Remember, the most important thing about adoption is network effects. If you
can only work with other people in your circle then you have trouble
bootstrapping that process.

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